In this section:
The command syntax and parameters of the objects related to the show table oam
command is shown below.
Command Syntax
> show table oam accounting admin earlyAttemptState eventAcctMethods eventAcctPsxInfoState eventAcctState generationMode intermediateAcctInterval intermediateAcctMode intermediateAcctState intermediateLongDurGenTime intermediateLongDurThreshold intermediateTrapState maxRecordSequenceNum populateIpTgFarEndSwitchType populateNonPortedLnpNumbers populateRemoteGsxInfoState secondStageInheritFirstStage sendEgressCdrInfoOnReceipt startAcctState cdrServer admin type ipAddress cdrPort useSshKeyFile username password path filePrefix filePostfix connectionTimeout transferTimeout bufferSize status <primary or secondary> failedTransfers pendingTransfers progress state successfulTransfers radius accountingAdmin failoverPolicy maxErrorRate maxNoResponseTime maxPacketRetryCount maxQueuedPacketsInMemory nasIdentifier nasIpAddress radiusUserDetails sendNasIdentifier sendNasIpAddress state radiusServer radiusServerStatus
Command Parameters
Shared Accounting Parameters - 'show status oam' and 'show table oam'
Parameter | Description |
admin | Call CDR configuration.
cdrServer | Configuration for external CDR servers.
radius | Configuration for external Radius servers.
Command Syntax
> show table oam alarms ethernetCrcErrAlarm ethernetCrcErrAlarmStatus ipPolicingAlarmAdmin majorAlarmMode majorAlarmProfileName minorAlarmMode minorAlarmProfileName ipPolicingAlarmStatus aclAlarmDuration aclAlarmLevel aclDiscardRate aclPacketsAccepted aclPacketsDiscarded aggregateAlarmDuration aggregateAlarmLevel aggregateDiscardRate aggregatePacketsAccepted aggregatePacketsDiscarded arpAlarmDuration arpAlarmLevel arpDiscardRate arpPacketsAccepted arpPacketsDiscarded badEthernetIpHeaderAlarmDuration badEthernetIpHeaderAlarmLevel badEthernetIpHeaderDiscardRate badEthernetIpHeaderPacketsDiscarded discardRuleAlarmDuration discardRuleAlarmLevel discardRuleDiscardRate discardRulePacketsDiscarded ipSecDecryptAlarmDuration ipSecDecryptAlarmLevel ipSecDecryptDiscardRate ipSecDecryptPacketsDiscarded mediaAlarmDuration mediaAlarmLevel mediaDiscardRate mediaPacketsDiscarded rogueMediaAlarmDuration rogueMediaAlarmLevel rogueMediaDiscardRate rogueMediaPacketsDiscarded srtpDecryptAlarmDuration srtpDecryptAlarmLevel srtpDecryptDiscardRate srtpDecryptPacketsDiscarded uFlowAlarmDuration uFlowAlarmLevel uFlowDiscardRate uFlowPacketsAccepted uFlowPacketsDiscarded mediaSrtpErrAlarm mediaSrtpErrAlarmStatus
Command Parameters
Shared Alarm Parameters - 'show status oam' and 'show table oam'
Parameter | Description |
ethernetCrcErrAlarm | This table contains Ethernet CRC error alarm configuration. |
ethernetCrcErrAlarmStatus | This table contains the Ethernet CRC error alarm status, with following fields:
ipPolicingAlarmAdmin | This table contains system policer alarm configuration.
ipPolicingAlarmStatus | This table contains system policer alarm status.
mediaSrtpErrAlarm | This table contains Media SRTP Authorization error alarm configuration. |
mediaSrtpErrAlarmStatus | This table contains the Media SRTP authorization error alarm status, with following fields:
Command Syntax
> show table oam ema clientAuthMethod
Command Parameter
EMA Parameter - 'show table oam' only
Parameter | Description |
| Show EMA current setting of client authorization method. |
Event Log
Command Syntax
> show table oam eventLog confdDebugLevel filterAdmin filterStatus memusage platformAuditLogs platformRsyslog subsystemAdmin typeAdmin typeStatus
Command Parameters
Shared Event Log Parameters - 'show status oam' and 'show table oam'
Parameter | Description |
confdDebugLevel | Current debug level for ConfD components. |
filterAdmin | Event Log Class Filter configuration table per card, with following fields (not available for 'show status' command) :
filterStatus | Event Log Class Filter status table per card, with following fields:
| Process memory usage logging controls. |
platformAuditLogs | Platform audit logs configuration.
Note: Not availiable for 'show status' command. |
platformRsyslog | Syslog configuration for platform Linux logs, with the fields:
Note: Not available for 'show status' command. |
subsystemAdmin | Subsystem Event Logging configuration table, with the fields (not available for 'show status' command):
typeAdmin | Event Log configuration table for configuration items related to each Event Log type, with following fields (not available for 'show status' command):
typeStatus | Event Log status table for status items related to each Event Log type, with following fields:
LDAP Authentication
The OAM statistic, ldapAuthentication, provides LDAP server status details.
Command Syntax
% show table oam ldapAuthentication ldapStatus
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ldapStatus | LDAP server status details. The following fields are included.
Local Auth
Command Syntax
> show table oam localAuth user userStatus
Command Parameters
Shared Local Auth Parameters - 'show status oam' and 'show table oam'
Parameter | Description |
user | AAA services management, with following fields:
userStatus | Current status of the specified user, with following fields:
Radius Authentication
Command Syntax
> show table oam radiusAuthentication radiusServer radiusStatus retryCriteria
Command Parameters
CLI Statistics Details for 'show status'
Parameter | Details |
| Displays RADIUS server name of each server. The following field is included.
radiusStatus | RADIUS server status details. The following fields are included.
CLI Statistics Details for 'show table'
Parameter | Details |
| RADIUS server configuration details of each server. The following field is included.
radiusStatus | RADIUS server status details. The following fields are included.
retryCriteria | RADIUS server Retry criteria settings. The following fields are included.
Command Syntax
> show table oam snmp community engineId trapTarget fqdn ipAddress port state trapType
Command Parameters
Shared SNMP Parameter - 'show status oam' and 'show table oam'
Parameter | Description |
community | This table contains SNMP community information. |
communityString | This table contains SNMP community strings used in a SNMP request, with following fields:
| SNMPv3 SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB usmUserEngineID and SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB snmpCommunityContextEngineID |
| SNMPv3 SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB vacmAccessSecurityLevel for all users in model 0 and 3. |
| Trap target configuration details, with following fields:
users | Auth key and Priv key details for each user, with following fields:
version | SNMP version currently supported. |
Command Syntax
> show table oam traps admin <traps> dspAdmin callFailureTrap lackdsp interval threshold dspAvailabilityTrap allThreshold g711PacketThreshold g726Threshold g729Threshold
Command Parameters
Traps Parameters - 'show table oam' only
Parameter | Description |
admin | The sonusTrapTable identifies the SNMP notifications that this node supports.
dspAdmin | DSP resource usage trap configuration.
Command Examples
To view Event Log filter status:
admin@sbx1> show table oam eventLog filterStatus EVENT EVENTS CE NAME TYPE CLASS FILTERED ---------------------------------------- cesbx15 system sysmgmt 509 cesbx15 system callproc 0 cesbx15 system resmgmt 1 cesbx15 system directory 0 cesbx15 system netmgmt 0 cesbx15 system signaling 0 cesbx15 system routing 6 cesbx15 system trace 0 cesbx15 system security 0 cesbx15 system policy 0 cesbx15 system audit 0 cesbx15 debug sysmgmt 627259 cesbx15 debug callproc 0 cesbx15 debug resmgmt 84365 cesbx15 debug directory 1 cesbx15 debug netmgmt 0 cesbx15 debug signaling 14506502 cesbx15 debug routing 162 cesbx15 debug trace 0 cesbx15 debug security 0 cesbx15 debug policy 0 cesbx15 debug audit 0 cesbx15 trace sysmgmt 0 cesbx15 trace callproc 0 cesbx15 trace resmgmt 0 cesbx15 trace directory 0 cesbx15 trace netmgmt 0 cesbx15 trace signaling 0 cesbx15 trace routing 0 cesbx15 trace trace 0 cesbx15 trace security 0 cesbx15 trace policy 0 cesbx15 trace audit 0 cesbx15 security sysmgmt 0 cesbx15 security callproc 0 cesbx15 security resmgmt 0 cesbx15 security directory 0 cesbx15 security netmgmt 0 cesbx15 security signaling 0 cesbx15 security routing 0 cesbx15 security trace 0 cesbx15 security security 1 cesbx15 security policy 0 cesbx15 security audit 0 cesbx15 audit sysmgmt 0 cesbx15 audit callproc 0 cesbx15 audit resmgmt 0 cesbx15 audit directory 0 cesbx15 audit netmgmt 0 cesbx15 audit signaling 0 cesbx15 audit routing 0 cesbx15 audit trace 0 cesbx15 audit security 0 cesbx15 audit policy 0 cesbx15 audit audit 0
To view Event Log configuration of event log types:
admin@SBXUK11-1> show table oam eventLog typeAdmin MESSAGE ROLLOVER FILE RENAME DISK SYSLOG SYSLOG SYSLOG FILE FILE QUEUE SAVE FILTER START ROLLOVER ROLLOVER WRITE SYSLOG OPEN THROTTLE EVENT LOG SERVER REMOTE REMOTE REMOTE TYPE STATE COUNT SIZE SIZE TO LEVEL TIME INTERVAL ROLLOVER TYPE ACTION MODE STATE FILES LIMIT VALIDATION NO HOST PROTOCOL PORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ system enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled 5000 disabled server1 tcp 514 debug enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 trace enabled 32 2048 10 disk info - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 acct enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 security enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 audit enabled 32 2048 10 disk info - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 packet enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 memusage enabled 32 2048 10 disk major - 0 nonrepetitive stop default disabled disabled - disabled server1 tcp 514 [ok][2018-08-13 16:46:32]
To view status items related to each Event Log:
admin@sbx1> show table oam eventLog typeStatus INFO TOTAL LEVEL CURRENT FILE FILE TOTAL FILE FILES NEXT LOG LOGGING TYPE FILE RECORDS BYTES FILES BYTES DROPPED ROLLOVER DESTINATION LAST FILE DROP DISABLED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system 1000003.SYS 177 23512 3 58587 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false debug 1000003.DBG 338 36667 3 70576 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false trace 1000003.TRC 0 128 3 478 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false acct 1000003.ACT 1 206 3 634 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false security 1000003.SEC 2 323 3 1275 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false audit 1000003.AUD 36 6482 3 12294 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false packet 1000003.PKT 0 128 3 176 0 0 localDisk 0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00 false
To view local authorization configuration details:
user admin { group Administrator; passwordAgingState enabled; accountAgingState disabled; passwordLoginSupport enabled; interactiveAccess enabled; m2mAccess disabled; } userStatus admin { currentStatus Enabled; userId 3000; }
To view SNMP community string:
admin@sbx1> show table oam snmp communityString SNMP SNMP COMMUNITY COMMUNITY INDEX NAME ---------------------- admin admin guest guest operator operator
To view the OAM statistic, LDAP server status details:
show table oam ldapAuthentication ldapStatus SERVER AVAILABLE NAME STATUS AT --------------------------------- ldapServer1 available n/a
To view OAM users Auth and Priv key information:
admin@sbx1> show table oam snmp users AUTH PRIV USERNAME GROUP PROTOCOL AUTH KEY PROTOCOL PRIV KEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ admin admin hmacsha 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 aes128 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 guest guest hmacsha 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 aes128 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 operator operator hmacsha 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 aes128 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
To view RADIUS authentication details:
> show status oam radiusAuthentication radiusServer radiusServer s1; > show status oam radiusAuthentication radiusStatus radiusStatus s1 { status available; availableAt n/a; > show table oam radiusAuthentication radiusServer RADIUS RADIUS RADIUS RADIUS MGMT SERVER SERVER SERVER NAS IP SHARED INTERFACE NAME PRIORITY STATE IP PORT SECRET GROUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s1 1 enabled 1812 - - > show table oam radiusAuthentication radiusStatus SERVER NAME AVAILABLE ID STATUS AT ---------------------------------------- s1 available n/a > show table oam radiusAuthentication retryCriteria retryTimer 2000; retryCount 2; oosDuration 120;
To view CDR Server admin details:
> show table oam accounting cdrServer admin USE SSH IP CDR KEY FILE CONNECTION TRANSFER TYPE ADDRESS PORT FILE USERNAME PASSWORD PATH PREFIX TIMEOUT TIMEOUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- primary 22 enable admin $3$6ukQCu3ULEw= "testPath "cdr 15 15
To view Platform Audit Logs configuration details:
admin@WFDSBC01b> show table oam eventLog platformAuditLogs state enabled;
To view platformRsyslogConfig details:
admin@SBXUK11-1> show configuration details oam eventLog platformRsyslog syslogState disabled; linuxLogs { platformAuditLog disabled; consoleLog disabled; sftpLog disabled; kernLog disabled; userLog disabled; daemonLog disabled; authLog disabled; syslogLog disabled; ntpLog disabled; cronLog disabled; fipsLog disabled; } servers server1 { remoteHost; protocolType tcp; port 515; } [ok][2018-08-13 11:10:39]
Error Messages
When NP 0 error counter messages are received in the DBG logs, the Ethernet Switch configuration (Datalink Device L2) is checked. If the switch is overloaded with traffic,
- check the total drop count on the particular interface on the switch, and then
- correct the switch side configuration.
Every Switch vendor has their own command to display the drop counts. Therefore, you must reference the respective document to check the drop counts.