In this section:
SNMP community strings are text strings that act as a rudimentary authentication mechanism for SNMP v1/v2. An SNMP manager places a community string (in plaintext) into an SNMP request when sending the request to a managed device such as an SBC RESTCONF API. The SNMP agent in a managed device ignores SNMP requests that do not contain a community string matching with the previously configured one. The SBC supports configuring up to eight SNMP community strings using the communityString
object described below.
For additional details about configuring SNMP, refer to Configuring SBC for SNMP.
Command Syntax
% set oam snmp communityString <snmpCommunity_Index> snmpCommunityName <community name> localEngineId <Id> securityLevel <authNoPriv | authPriv | noAuthNoPriv> trapTarget <trap target name> fqdn <SNMP trap target FQDN> ipAddress <IP address> port <port number> state <disabled | enabled> targetSecurityLevel <authNoPriv | authPriv | noAuthNoPriv> targetUserName <name> trapType <inform | v1 | v2 | v3> users <username> authKey <colon separated hex string> authProtocol <HMACMD5 | HMACSHA> group <admin | user | operator> privKey <colon separated hex string> privProtocol <DES | AES128> version <v1v2c | v3only> % show oam snmp trapTarget <trap target name> displaylevel <displaylevel> ipAddress <IP address> port <port number> state <disabled | enabled> trapType <inform | v1 | v2> % delete oam snmp trapTarget
Command Parameters
SNMP Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
communityString | N/A | SNMP Community String. A maximum of eight community strings may be configured.
localEngineId | 5-32 octets | The value of User-based Security Model (USM) user engine ID and the SNMP community context engine ID. |
securityLevel | N/A | The vacm security level for all users in model 0 and 3. Options are:
| N/A |
The SBC supports configuring up to 32 trap targets. |
users | N/A |
version | N/A | The SNMP versions to support in SNMP configuration. Set to "
Command Example
To display the configuration of SNMP parameters:
% show oam snmp trapTarget emaTarget { ipAddress; port 8162; trapType v2; state enabled; } version v1v2c; localEngineId 80:00:0b:3f:03:00:10:6b:2e:e5:e8; securityLevel authPriv; users admin { group admin; authProtocol HMACSHA; authKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; privProtocol AES128; privKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; } users guest { group guest; authProtocol HMACSHA; authKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; privProtocol AES128; privKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; } users operator { group operator; authProtocol HMACSHA; authKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; privProtocol AES128; privKey 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00; }