Use this parameter to specify whether call is transitioned to a fax or voice call when "silenceSupp:off" received in re-INVITE.

A call is considered a fax call when Packet Service Profile applyFaxToneTreatment flag is enabled and either:

  • a=fax is received in the re-INVITE, or
  • G.711 “silenceSupp:off” is received in the re-INVITE, and SIP Trunk Group signaling flag is set to “treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication”.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling silenceSuppTreatment <treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication | treatAsG711SilenceSuppOff>

Command Parameters

Silence Suppression Treatment Parameter



Use this parameter to specify whether call is transitioned to a fax or voice call when "silenceSupp:off" received in re-INVITE.

  • treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication (default) – Call is transitioned to a fax call.
  • treatAsG711SilenceSuppOff – The "a=silenceSupp:off" in the re-INVITE is interpreted as a request for voice call with silenceSupp:off.

  • No labels