In this section:
Use this profile to configure a Call Admission Control (CAC) profile providing the ability for each SIP registered or static endpoint to have individualized limits on the number of active calls, bandwidth size, call rates, over-subscription amounts, burst sizes, etc.
To calculate fill rate and bucket size, refer to Token Bucket Policers.
SIP CAC Profile
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> aggregateMessage bandwidthLimit bandwidthLimitThreshold bandwidthVideoThreshold callEgressAggregateEmergencyPreference callEgressAggregatePreference callEgressBurstSize callEgressEmergencyPreference callEgressRate callEgressRatePeriod callIngressAggregateEmergencyPreference callIngressAggregatePreference callIngressBurstSize callIngressEmergencyPreference callIngressRate callIngressRatePeriod callLimit callLimitEgress callLimitIngress callLimitThreshold dblAggregateRej emergencyOversubscription emergencyOversubscriptionEgress emergencyOversubscriptionIngress extendedEmergencyIpLimit extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress hpcCallLimits message notify options otherRequests qoe refer response state subscribe
Command Parameters
SIP CAC Profile Parameter
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| 1-23 |
Refer to the subsequent sections for SIP CAC Profile configuration options. |
Aggregate Message
Use this object to configure the Aggregate Message policer settings listed below.
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> aggregateMessage egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
Aggregate Message Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
egressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum Aggregate Message egress burst size. (default = 10) |
egressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum Aggregate Message egress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
egressRatePeriod | 1-10 | Aggregate Message egress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
ingressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum Aggregate Message ingress burst size. (default = 10) |
ingressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum Aggregate Message ingress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
ingressRatePeriod | 1-10 | Aggregate Message ingress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> bandwidthLimit <0-2147483647> bandwidthLimitThreshold <0-100> bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100>
Command Parameters
Bandwith Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| 0-2147483647 | Maximum bandwidth (in Kbps) a peer can utilize. (default is 'unlimited') |
| 0-100 | Enter threshold value (as a percentage) to specify bandwidth utilization notification threshold. (default = 0) |
bandwidthVideoThreshold | 0-100 | Enter threshold value (as a percentage of video bandwidth) to limit video streams to a specific bandwidth to prevent video calls consuming call bandwidth otherwise needed for audio calls. (default = 0) |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> callEgressAggregateEmergencyPreference <1-10> callEgressAggregatePreference <1-10> callEgressBurstSize <1-500> callEgressEmergencyPreference <disabled | enabled> callEgressRate <1-500, unlimited> callEgressRatePeriod <1-10> callIngressAggregateEmergencyPreference <1-10> callIngressAggregatePreference <1-10> callIngressBurstSize <1-500> callIngressEmergencyPreference <disabled | enabled> callIngressRate <1-500, unlimited> callIngressRatePeriod <1-10> callLimit <0-30000, unlimited> callLimitEgress <0-30000, unlimited> callLimitIngress <0-30000, unlimited> callLimitThreshold <0-100>
Command Parameters
Call Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| 1-10 | Emergency call preference within the aggregate policer at Egress. (default = 10) |
| 1-10 | Call preference within the aggregate policer at Egress. (default = 1) |
| 1-500 | Maximum call burst size for calls to a registered endpoint or peer. (default = 1). |
| N/A | Emergency call preference at Egress.
| 1-500, unlimited | Maximum egress call rate in calls per time period. (default is 'unlimited'). |
| 1-10 | Time period (in seconds) over which the egress call rate applies. (default = 1). |
| 1-10 | Emergency call preference within the aggregate policer at Ingress. (default = 10) |
| 1-10 | Call preference within the aggregate policer at Ingress. (default = 1) |
| 1-500 | Maximum call burst size from a peer or registered endpoint. (default = 1). |
| N/A | Emergency call preference at Ingress.
| 1-500, unlimited | Maximum call arrival rate from a peer or registered endpoint per |
| 1-10 | Time period (in seconds) over which the |
| 0-30000, unlimited | Maximum number of active calls to and from any registered endpoint or peer (e.g. total number of ingress and egress calls). (default is 'unlimited') |
| 0-30000, unlimited | Maximum number of outbound active calls. (default is 'unlimited') |
| 0-30000, unlimited | Maximum number of inbound active calls. (default is 'unlimited') |
| 0-100 | Call Limit utilization notification threshold, as a percentage. (default = 0). |
Dynamic Black List Aggregate Reject
Use this object to Dynamically Blacklist (DBL) an endpoint based on the CAC policer reject rate using settings below.
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> dblAggregateRej ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
DBL Aggregate Reject Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
ingressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum DBL Aggregate Reject ingress burst size.(default = 1) |
ingressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum DBL Aggregate Reject ingress rate.(default is 'unlimited') |
| 1-10 | DBL Aggregate Reject ingress rate period in seconds.(default = 1) |
Emergency Oversubscription
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> emergencyOversubscription <0-1000> emergencyOversubscriptionEgress <0-1000> emergencyOversubscriptionIngress <0-1000>
Command Parameters
Emergency Oversubscription Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| 0-1000 | Oversubscription of calls (as a percentage) allowed for emergency calls. (default = 0). |
| 0-1000 | Oversubscription of egress calls (as a percentage) allowed for emergency calls. When the baseline limit is reached, normal calls are stopped but emergency calls are allowed up to this additional percentage. (default = 10). |
| 0-1000 | Oversubscription of calls (as a percentage) allowed for emergency calls. When the baseline limit is reached, normal calls are stopped but emergency calls are allowed up to this additional percentage. (default = 10). |
Extended Emgergency IP Limit
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> extendedEmergencyIpLimit <0-40000> extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress <0-40000> extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress <0-40000>
Command Parameters
Extended Emgergency IP Limit Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| 0-40000 | Additional number of emergency calls (expressed as a numeric value) allowed if call limit and emergency oversubscription quota are exhausted. (default = 0) |
extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress | 0-40000 | Additional number of emergency calls (expressed as a numeric value) allowed for egress CAC group if call limit and emergency oversubscription quota are exhausted. (default = 0) |
extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress | 0-40000 | Additional number of emergency calls (expressed as a numeric value) allowed for ingress CAC group if call limit and emergency oversubscription quota are exhausted. (default = 0) |
HPC Call Limits
Before you provision the HPC call limits, ensure that a sipCacProfile
exists and associates with a static IP Peer. Refer to Zone - IP Peer - CLI for configuration details.
Use this object to provision the HPC call limits for the SIP CAC profile.
The use of the GETS SOFTWARE is restricted in the U.S. and U.S. TERRITORIES to NS/EP users authorized by the Office of the Manager, National Communications System (OMNCS).
Command Syntax
To configure the hpcCallLimits
in the sipCacProfile
, use the following command syntax:
set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> hpcCallLimits maxCalls <unlimited | blockAll | 1-1000> maxIngressRate <unlimited | 1-2000> ingressRateInterval <1-30> bucketSize <1-4000>
Parameter Description
The descriptions of the parameters and flags are as follows:
Parameters | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
hpcCallLimits | N/A | N/A | Use this parameter to provision the HPC call limits for the SIP CAC profile for the trunk group. | O |
maxCalls | N/A | unlimited | Use this parameter to configure the maximum number of simultaneous HPC calls.
| O |
maxIngressRate | N/A | unlimited | Use this parameter to configure the maximum rate of ingress HPC calls per interval minute.
| O |
ingressRateInterval | 1-30 | 5 | Use this parameter to configure the interval (in minutes) for the ingress rate of HPC calls. | O |
bucketSize | 1-4000 | 10 | Use this parameter to limit the rate of received HPC calls. | O |
Command Example
To configure the hpcCallLimits
in the sipCacProfile
, use the following command example:
% set profiles sipCacProfile testSipCacProfile hpcCallLimits maxCalls 500 maxIngressRate 50 ingressRateInterval 10 bucketSize 32 % commit
To display the hpcCallLimits
in the sipCacProfile
, use the following command example:
> show profiles sipCacProfile testSipCacProfile hpcCallLimits maxCalls 500; maxIngressRate 50; ingressRateInterval 10; bucketSize 32; } }
Use this object to configure the MESSAGE message in a SIP CAC profile using the settings below.
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> message egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
MESSAGE Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
egressAggregatePreference | 1-10 | MESSAGE preference within egress aggregate policer. (default = 1) |
egressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum MESSAGE egress burst size. (default = 1) |
egressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum MESSAGE egress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
egressRatePeriod | 1-10 | MESSAGE egress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
ingressAggregatePreference | 1-10 | MESSAGE preference within ingress aggregate policer. (default = 1) |
ingressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum MESSAGE ingress burst size. (default = 1) |
ingressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum MESSAGE ingress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
| 1-10 | MESSAGE ingress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> notify egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
NOTIFY Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Use this object to configure the NOTIFY message in a SIP CAC profile. NOTE: Egress and ingress settings are the same as MESSAGE Parameters above. Simply replace MESSAGE with NOTIFY in the descriptions. |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> options egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
OPTIONS Parameters
Parameter | Description |
options | Use this object to configure the OPTIONS message in a SIP CAC profile. NOTE: Egress and ingress settings are the same as MESSAGE Parameters above. Simply replace MESSAGE with OPTIONS in the descriptions. |
Other Requests
Use this object to configure the OTHER REQUESTS message in a SIP CAC profile.
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> otherRequests egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
egressAggregatePreference | 1-10 | OTHER REQUESTS preference within egress aggregate policer. (default = 1) |
egressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum OTHER REQUESTS egress burst size. (default = 5) |
egressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum OTHER REQUESTS egress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
egressRatePeriod | 1-10 | OTHER REQUESTS egress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
ingressAggregatePreference | 1-10 | OTHER REQUESTS preference within ingress aggregate policer. (default = 1) |
ingressBurstSize | 1-10000 | Maximum OTHER REQUESTS ingress burst size. (default = 5) |
ingressRate | 1-1000, 'unlimited' | Maximum OTHER REQUESTS ingress rate. (default is 'unlimited') |
| 1-10 | OTHER REQUESTS ingress rate period in seconds. (default = 1) |
Use this object to configure the Quality of Service-based routing configuration.
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> qoe asr asrCriticalLimit (0-70) defaultQosAsr (0-100) majorQosAsrLimit (0-90) clu cluCriticalLimit (80-100) minTimeToProceed (60-3600) pgrd defaultPgrdFactor (50-10000) pgrdCriticalLimit (50-10000) scru scruCriticalLimit (80-100)
Command Parameters
QOE Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
asr | N/A | Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR) measurement.
clu cluCriticalLimit | 80-100 |
minTimeToProceed | 60-3600 | Minimum time to wait (in seconds) before call admission resumes after peer/trunk group KPI falls below critical threshold. (default = 60) |
pgrd | N/A | Post Gateway Ringing Delay measurement.
| 80-100 | SCRU) KPI critical limit (as percentage) above which the trunk group/peer is not chosen for routing. (default = 80) |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> refer egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
REFER Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Use this object to configure the REFER message in a SIP CAC profile. NOTE: Egress and ingress settings are the same as MESSAGE Parameters above. Simply replace MESSAGE with REFER in the descriptions. |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> response egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
RESPONSE Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Use this object to configure the RESPONSE message in a SIP CAC profile. NOTE: Egress and ingress settings are the same as OTHER REQUESTS Parameters above. Simply replace OTHER REQUESTS with RESPONSE in the descriptions. |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> state <disabled | enabled>
Command Parameters
State Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Administrative state of this SIP CAC Profile.
NOTE: Setting a SIP CAC profile state to "disabled" does not disable SIP CAC functionality on IP Peers to which the SIP CAC profile is assigned. To disable SIP CAC functionality on a specific IP Peer, disassociate the SIP CAC profile from the IP Peer. |
Command Syntax
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> subscribe egressAggregatePreference (1-10) egressBurstSize (1-10000) egressRate (1-1000, unlimited) egressRatePeriod (1-10) ingressAggregatePreference (1-10) ingressBurstSize (1-10000) ingressRate (1-1000, unlimited) ingressRatePeriod (1-10)
Command Parameters
SUBSCRIBE Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Use this object to configure the SUBSCRIBE message in a SIP CAC profile. NOTE: Egress and ingress settings are the same as MESSAGE Parameters above. Simply replace MESSAGE with SUBSCRIBE in the descriptions. |
Command Examples
% set profiles sipCacProfile SIPCAC_TEST state enabled callIngressRate 78 callIngressRatePeriod 4 callIngressBurstSize 342 callEgressRate 43 callEgressRatePeriod 3 callEgressBurstSize 45 callLimit 4567 emergencyOversubscription 24 % commit % show profiles sipCacProfile SIPCAC_TEST state enabled; callIngressRate 78; callIngressRatePeriod 4; callIngressBurstSize 342; callEgressRate 43; callEgressRatePeriod 3; callEgressBurstSize 45; callLimit 4567; emergencyOversubscription 24;
% set profiles sipCacProfile cacProfile1 extendedEmergencyIpLimit 10 extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress 20 extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress 30 % commit % show profiles sipCacProfile cacProfile1 extendedEmergencyIpLimit 10; extendedEmergencyIpLimitIngress 20; extendedEmergencyIpLimitEgress 30;