Windows and/or dialog boxes depicted in this section are intended as examples only and may not reflect the actual software/firmware versions applicable to you. Refer to any associated hardware/software requirements as well as the relevant release note for software/firmware version details.
The ConnexIP Operating System jumpstart installation is required in cases such as, reverting to older releases, SSD drive replacement and so on. To re-install ConnexIP OS follow the procedure below:
The ConnexIP ISO installation procedure automatically copies the SBC application package to the SBC platforms, and takes about 30 minutes to complete..
When using the Java Console, ensure the target machine has Java version 8 (or lower) installed. The SBC does not support higher than version 8.
Downloading ConnexIP ISO Image
Download the following ConnexIP OS files bundled from the Ribbon Support Portal:
- sbc-V08.01.00R000-connexip-os_06.01.00-R000_amd64.iso
- sbc-V08.01.00R000-connexip-os_06.01.00-R000_amd64.iso.md5
Refer to Downloading SBC 5400 Software for additional details.
Refer to the latest release notes for the correct software bundle to download from the Ribbon Support Portal.
Installing OS
Reinstalling the OS will format your disk and erase all data. Ribbon highly recommends saving the configuration data to a temporary directory on the remote server before reinstalling the OS in the event you need to restore the original configuration data after the re-installation.
The following procedure describes how to reinstall the ConnexIP OS:
Launch the host remote console through the BMC. Refer to Launching the SBC 5400 BMC Remote Console.
SBC 5400 JViewer window
Select Media in the JViewer and click Virtual Media Wizard. The Virtual Media screen appears.
JViewer - Virtual Media Wizard option
Select ISO Image from CD/DVD Media1 section of the screen.
SBC 5400 CD-DVD Media1 option
Click Browse. From the Open dialog, browse to and select the connexip-os_<version>_amd64.iso file and click Open.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP ISO file
Click Connect CD/DVD. A message Device redirected in Read Only Mode appears on the screen. Click OK to continue. This mounts the ISO image from your local desktop or laptop.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Device Redirection message
- Click Close to exit the window.
In the JViewer window, execute the following command to reboot the system:
# reboot
After few minutes, the splash screen appears. Press <Del> or <Esc> key immediately to enter into BIOS configuration screen.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 1
The BIOS setup utility screen is displayed. Use the left arrow key to navigate to the Save & Exit menu.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 2
Select AMI Virtual CDROM0 1.00 from Save & Exit menu to boot from the virtual CD drive. This instructs the server to boot from the redirected ConnexIP OS ISO image.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 3
By default. the Install option is selected. Press <Enter> to start the installation.
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 4
The automated ConnexIP OS installation process starts. This process takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete.SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 6
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 7
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 8
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 9
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 10
SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 11
Once the installation is completed, the disk partition upgrade process starts. At this stage, DO NOT power off the system.SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 12
After system reboot, the ConnexIP login screen appears on the screen. This marks the completion of the ConnexIP OS Installation process.SBC 5400 ConnexIP Install screen 13
Close the JViewer window.
The SBC 5400 EMA Platform mode should now be up and running.