In this section:


Use this command to perform manual actions against a specific DNS group.

Command Syntax

Command syntax to initiate action on DNS group object:

> request addressContext <addressContext name> dnsGroup <dnsGroup name> 
		domainName <domain name>
		recordType <a | aaaa | default | naptr | ns | srv>
		dnsServer <server name>
		fqdn <FQDN>
		recordType <a | aaaa | naptr | ns | srv>
		fqdn <FQDN>
		recordType <a | aaaa | naptr | ns | srv>
		ttl <vaLue>

Command Parameters

DNS Group Request Parameters



dnsGroupName<DNS Group name> – The name of the DNS Group to perform the actions defined below.

Clear the cache of the matching record.

  • domainName <domain name> – Enter the name of the domain from which to clear the cache.
  • recordType – Choose the DNS record type. 
    • a
    • aaaa
    • default
    • naptr
    • ns
    • srv
dnsServerResetReset all DNS server statistics.

Perform a DNS query to the server, with following additional configurations.

  • dnsServer <server name> – DNS server to use to perform lookup.
  • fqdn <FQDN> – Domain to use for lookup.
  • recordType – Specify whether to use the DNS server for just A-record lookups, or for full NAPTR/SRV/A lookup as specified in RFC3263. 
    • a
    • aaaa
    • naptr
    • ns
    • srv

Updates the cache of the matching record with the new TTL value.

  • fqdn <FQDN> – FQDN to be updated from the Cache.
  • recordType – Specifies whether to use the DNS server for just A-record lookups, or for full NAPTR/SRV/A lookup as specified in RFC3263.
    • a
    • aaaa
    • naptr
    • ns
    • srv
  • ttl <value> – Enter the Time To Live (TTL) duration, in seconds, to cache a particular record.

Command Examples

To send the manual DNS query with server:

request addressContext default dnsGroup DGRP1 query dnsServer DNS1 fqdn 5060 recordType naptr


To clear the particular DNS group cache:

request addressContext default dnsGroup DGRP2 clearCache

To clear record type aaaa under Address Context AC1: 

request addressContext AC1 dnsGroup DGRP3 clearCache domainName MYDOMAIN recordType aaaa


To clear the full DNS Cache:

request global dnsClearCache


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