The SBC supports Ansible, a configuration management tool that you can readily integrate into an SBC environment. To set up your SBC environment for Ansible, you must have a machine with a Linux-based operating system with python3 (3.8.10) and Ansible (2.9.23) installed.

  1. Install the following packages as user root:

    python3 -m pip install ansible_runner
    python3 -m pip install jsoncomparison
  2. Obtain a yml/YAML file from Ribbon for use as a reference/example manifest input file.
    1. By default, the YAML file will contain only one profile rule, action, and criterion with some default names. Since you are provided only a manifest, you must write your own profiles in a YAML file.
    2. You can increase/decrease the number of entries, depending upon your requirements, as well as change the default values.
  3. Edit the example playbook file by using your SBC details.
  4. Run the modified playbook to configure the SBC for the first time.
  5. Retain the updated YAML file for subsequent updates.

You must retain the input YAML file. For subsequent updates in the SMM Configuration, revise the input YAML file you edited in Step 3 and apply the playbook again. This takes care of updates and deletions to the SMM configuration.