This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Use the aniDnisZoneloopDetection object to configure the SBC ANI-DNIS loop detection feature. In the context of a SIP call request, the ANI (Automatic Number Identification) refers to the calling party, as determined by the username in the P-Asserted-ID or From header. The DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service) refers to the called party as determined by the username in the Request URI.  An ANI-DNIS loop refers to a situation when more than one call request shares the same combination of ANI and DNIS values. To avoid excessive looped call requests, the SBC provides configuration options to limit the number of pending call requests that share the same ANI-DNIS combination.

Command Syntax

The following is the syntax for the aniDnisZoneloopDetection object.

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> aniDnisZoneloopDetection
    aniDnisZoneLoopInstances <1..1250>
    aniDnisZoneState <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters



Use this parameter to specify an integer limit on call requests containing matching ANI-DNIS pairs. When the limit is reached, the SBC rejects any subsequent call requests for the same ANI-DNIS combination. The valid range is 1 to 1250. The default value is 1.


Use this parameter to enable or disable ANI-DNIS loop detection for the specified zone.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

Use the following commands to enable ANI-DNIS loop detection in a zone, zone-10, in the default address context with the ANI-DNIS loop limit set to 3.

% set addressContext default zone zone-10 aniDnisZoneloopDetection aniDnisLoopInstances 3
% set addressContext default zone zone-10 aniDnisZoneloopDetection aniDnisZoneState enabled 
% commit