This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

For SBC SWe on OpenStack deployments only, use the Gpu Status window to review system-level information per node, for each GPU attached to the node. For more information on GPU transcoding, refer to Transcoding.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > Gpu Status.

The Gpu Status window opens displaying the Gpu Status List.  

Gpu Status Window

The following information appears in the Gpu Status List. These attributes are only applicable when GPU traffic profile is set. For non-GPU traffic profiles, -1 is displayed for each attribute.

GPU Status List

Server NameThe name of the server node
GPU NumberA number for the GPU.
Memory UsageMemory usage of GPU(Percent). -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Current TemperatureTemperature of GPU in degree celsius, -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Shutdown TemperatureGPU Shutdown Temperature in degree celsius. -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Slowdown TemperatureGPU Slowdown Temperature in degree celsius. -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Memory Clock SpeedMemory clock speed of GPU in degree celsius. -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Graphics Clock SpeedGraphics clock speed of GPU in degree celsius. -1 is displayed when no data is available.
Ecc ErrorsECC errors. -1 shows no data available.
Current Ecc Mode Current ECC mode.
Pending Ecc ModePending Ecc mode
Device Name Displays the hardware product name of the GPU device.
Utilization Displays the raw NVIDIA utilization metric retrieved from the nvidia-smi command.