This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) provides the ability to transition a voice call from the VoIP/IMS packet domain (LTE) to the legacy circuit domain. Variations of SRVCC are being standardized to support both GSM/UMTS and CDMA 1x circuit domains. For an operator with a legacy cellular network who wishes to deploy IMS/VoIP-based voice services in conjunction with the rollout of an LTE network, SRVCC offers VoIP subscribers with coverage over a much larger area than would typically be available during the rollout of a new network.

Use Srvcc parameter to configure SRVCC functionality. Zone - Srvcc is available to enable/disable EATF functionality for a zone.

To View and Edit Srvcc

On SBC main screen, go to All > Global >  Signaling > Srvcc. The Srvcc window is displayed.


The following fields are displayed:

Srvcc Parameters

Parameter Default ValueDescription
Stn SrNULLRequest URI for a transfer call sent by MSC on PS to CS call handoff.
E Stn SrNULLRequest URI for a emergency transfer call sent by MSC on PS to CS call handoff.

SIP URI to be used as the ATCF Path and Management URI

Pstops Sti

Request URI (0-32 characters) for a PS to PS optimized handover call. The allowed character set is:

  • Alphabets(upper- and lower-case)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Any of the following special characters:
    • +
    • -
    • .
    • (
    • )

For example, +1-pstopsSti-222 is a valid value for this field.

Call Linger Timer8Number of seconds to wait for INVITE due to STN_SR before clearing the call.

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.


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