This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

The SBC supports configuring session recording server (SRS) group profiles to group together a set of SRS servers to receive SIP call recordings when the policy response from the Embedded Routing Engine (ERE) indicates that a call should be recorded. The SRS group profile includes common properties, such as load distribution and number of simultaneous streams, for the group of servers. Each SRS group profile can contain up to eight SRS group data objects to represent SRS servers.

Up to four SRS group profiles can be added to an SRS group cluster to enable sending four simultaneous recordings. An SRS group cluster ID is included within the call recording criteria configuration (callRecordingCriteria) which determines which calls should be recorded. 


To configure SRS call recording criteria, refer to Servers - Call Recording Criteria - CLI

Command Syntax

% set global servers srsGroupProfile <profile name>
	description <0-199 characters>
	loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence>
	numSimultaneousStream <1-2>
	srsGroupData <0-7>
		cryptoSuiteProfile <cryptoSuiteProfile>
        fqdn <FQDN>
          fqdnPort <0-65535>
        ipAddress <IP address>
		  ipPort <0-65535>
		ipTGId <IP TG Id>
		srtp <disable | enable>
        transport <tcp | tls | udp>

 Command Parameters

SRS Group Profile Parameters

<profile name>0-23 charactersSRS group profile name.


0-199 characters

<custom text> – Descriptive text about this SRS group profile.



The load distribution scheme for servers within this SRS group profile.

  • roundRobin
  • sequence (default)



The number of simultaneous media streams for this SRS group profile. (default = 1)



<Index> – The index number for an SRS group data object within the profile. SRS group data objects represent SRS servers in the group. The SBC supports up to eight SRS group data objects within a profile.

  • cryptoSuiteProfile – The unique identifier for a crypto suite profile.

    • If a cryptoSuiteProfile is configured, the SBC uses its encryption technique towards the SRS (crypto suite of the communication session (CS) is discarded).

    • If a cryptoSuiteProfile is not configured, the encryption technique towards the SRS utilizes the negotiated crypto suite details of the respective CS tap leg (ingress tap leg/egress tap leg).
      Note: A cryptoSuiteProfile can be configured under profile/security. Refer to Crypto Suite Profile - CLI.

  • fqdn –  FQDN for the SRS. Based on its DNS configuration, an FQDN can resolve to provide the IP addresses of multiple servers, thus enabling you to include more than eight servers in an SRS group profile. Specify either an FQDN or IP address in the srsGroupData object, not both.
  • fqdnPort – TCP/UDP port number for the SRS FQDN. This option only becomes available after you configure an FQDN for the SRS.
  • ipAddress – Signaling IP address of an SRS (The values "" or "0::0" are not allowed).
  • ipPort – TCP/UDP port for an SRS.
  • ipTGId – IP trunk group used to initiate the recording session towards the SRS.
  • srtp – Specifies whether SRTP is enabled for the SRS or not.
  • transport – The transport type for the SRS.
    • tcp
    • tls
    • udp (default)