This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.
In this section:
Use this command to configure custom SWe traffic profiles. Use SBC SWe traffic profiles to characterize the call mix you expect to occur on your SBC SWe system. SBC SWe systems can enhance their VM performance by allocating CPU cores in a manner that maximizes capacity for the call mix specified in the active traffic profile.
% set system sweTrafficProfiles <profile name> bhcaPerSubscriber <attempts> callHoldTime <seconds> cryptoPercent <percent> directmediapercent<percent> externalRefreshTimer <seconds> internalRefreshTimer <seconds> isAccess <false | true> mediaCostFactor <media factor> passthroughCodecProfile <profile name> processorCapabilityIndexOverride <false | true> processorCapabilityIndexOverrideValue <processor factor> rxPPSFactor <Rx PPS factor> sigCostFactor <signaling factor> tonesPercent <percent> transcodePercent <percent> transcodingCodecProfilec<<profile name> txPPSFactor <Tx PPS factor> useGPUForTranscoding <false | true>
The following CLI command creates a custom SWe trafic profile named custom1 that includes media and signaling cost factors and asymmetric Tx/Rx PPS factors to use in generating capacity estimates.
% set system sweTrafficProfiles custom1 isAccess true bhcaPerSubscriber 2.5 transcodePercent 30 callHoldTime 60 internalRefreshTimer 3000 externalRefreshTimer 2500 tonesPercent 15 processorCapabilityIndexOverride false mediaCostFactor 1.5 sigCostFactor 1.5 txPPSFactor 1.2 rxPPSFactor 1.0 commit
Create a codec mix profile, customCodecMix.
% set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g723 p20 percentage 50 % set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g711 p20 percentage 30 % set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g729 p10 percentage 20 commit
Attach the codec mix profile to the SWe traffic profile.
% set system sweTrafficProfiles custom1 passthroughCodecProfile G711_20ms transcodePercent 30 transcodingCodecProfile customCodecMix commit