This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


The SBC supports applying SIP message manipulation (SMM) profiles (SIP adaptor profiles) at the SIP trunk group level as well as the global, address context, and zone levels. You have the option to define profiles at any or all of these levels. Use the following SIP trunk group parameters to assign SIP adaptor profiles that apply to a specified SIP trunk group on ingress or egress, and to specify how to execute SIP adaptor profiles if you define profiles at more than one level. Refer to SIP Message Manipulation for more information on SMM.

If more than one profile applies to a session, you can enable "fixed order" execution of the profiles (smmProfileExecution=fixedOrder). In fixed order execution, the SBC logically concatenates the rules in the applicable profiles and executes them in the following order: global, address context, zone, SIP trunk group. The collection of rules are treated as though they reside in a single profile and therefore variable values set at the beginning of the sequence are accessible to rules that follow in the sequence.

Note that when using fixed order execution, you also have the option to disable execution at any of the four levels. However, even if you disable execution at one or more levels, the SBC executes the rules at the levels that remain enabled in the same order (global, address context, zone, SIP trunk group). When fixed order execution is in effect, the SBC records the names of all the profiles it executed in the CDR for the call.

By default, fixed order execution is not enabled (smmProfileExecution=none) and the rules of the SIP adaptor profile assigned to the SIP trunk group take precedence over any other configured profiles. If there is no profile assigned to the SIP trunk group, then the SBC applies the profile assigned to the zone, if a zone-level profile is present. When fixed order execution is not in effect, CDRs contain the name of only the trunk group or zone profile that is executed.    


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling messageManipulation 
	includeAppHdrs <disabled | enabled>
	inputAdapterProfile <name>
	outputAdapterProfile <name>
         addressContext acState <disable | enable>
         global globalState <disable | enable> 
         iptg iptgState <disable | enable>  
         zone zoneState <disable | enable>     

Command Parameters

Message Manipulation Parameters


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to add headers in outgoing messages.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
inputAdapterProfile 0-23 characters

<profile name>Enter the name of a SIP adaptor profile to use for this SIP trunk group on inbound messages.

outputAdapterProfile0-23 characters

<profile name>Enter the name of a SIP adaptor profile to use for this SIP trunk group on outbound messages.


Specifies whether or not to use fixed order processing when more than one SIP adaptor profile applies to messages in sessions associated with the specified SIP trunk group. The options are:

  • fixedOrder - the SBC logically concatenates the rules in all applicable profiles and executes them in the following order: global, address context, zone, SIP trunk group. Rules are treated as though they resided in a single profile and therefore variables set at the beginning of the sequence are accessible to rules that follow in the sequence. Selecting fixedOrder also enables configuring options for each specific level (global, address context, zone, SIP trunk group) to define whether or not to execute the profiles configured at that level. These options are described in the next four rows of this table.
  • none (default) - the SBC does not execute multiple profiles for a session. If configured, the SIP adaptor profile configured for the SIP trunk group takes precedence. If no profile is assigned to the trunk group the SBC executes the zone-level profile.
addressContext acStateN/A

Specifies whether the SBC executes the rules in the SIP adaptor profiles assigned at the address context level on messages in sessions associated with the specified SIP trunk group. The options are:

  • disabled - the address-context-level profiles are not applied.
  • enabled (default) - the address-context-level profiles are applied.

This option is only available after you set smmProfileExecution to fixedOrder.

global globalStateN/A

Specifies whether the SBC executes the rules in the SIP adaptor profiles assigned at the global level on messages in sessions associated with the specified SIP trunk group. The options are:

  • disabled - the global-level profiles are not applied.
  • enabled (default) - the global-level profiles are applied.

This option is only available after you set smmProfileExecution to fixedOrder.

iptg iptgStateN/A

Specifies whether the SBC executes the rules in the SIP adaptor profiles assigned at the SIP trunk group level on messages in sessions associated with the specified SIP trunk group. The options are:

  • disabled - the trunk-group-level profiles are not applied.
  • enabled (default) - the trunk-group-level profiles are applied.

This option is only available after you set smmProfileExecution to fixedOrder.

zone zoneStateN/A

Specifies whether the SBC executes the rules in the SIP adaptor profiles assigned at the zone level on messages in sessions associated with the specified SIP trunk group. The options are:

  • disabled - the zone-level profiles are not applied.
  • enabled (default) - the zone-level profiles are applied.

This option is only available after you set smmProfileExecution to fixedOrder.

Configuration Example

The following series of commands assigns SIP adaptor profiles for input and output at four levels: global, the "default" address context, the "defaultSigZone" zone, and the "TG1" SIP trunk group. The TG1 trunk group is within the defaultSigZone which is within the default address context, so all four sets of profiles potentially apply to sessions associated with the TG1 trunk group. The TG1 trunk group is configured for "fixed order" execution of SMM profiles, but the final command statement disables execution at the zone level (all others are enabled by default). The result of the configuration is that the rules in the profiles at the remaining levels are logically concatenated and executed in the order: global, address context, trunk group, on messages involving the TG1 trunk group.

% set global signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile globalInput 
% set global signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile globalOutput
% set addressContext default signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile acInput
% set addressContext default signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile acOutput
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile zoneInput
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile zoneOutput
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile tgInput
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile tgOutput
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 signaling messageManipulation smmProfileExecution fixedOrder
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 signaling messageManipulation zone zoneState disable      
% commit