This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.


Use this parameter to specify where the SBC directs access calls from the internal network to users in the access network when the call is over TLS transport.

In access deployments when a user submits a REGISTER request through the SBC, the SBC stores both Contact header information and the source IP address from where the REGISTER request originated. By default, when the SBC sends a call from the internal network to a registered user over TLS transport, the SBC directs the call to the source IP address it stored during registration of the target user. However, you have the option to configure the SBC to instead direct the call to the Contact header address the SBC stored for the target user. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <address context>  zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <trunk group name> signaling honorContactInRegisterForTLSCalls <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Honor Contact in Register for TLS Calls Parameter



Use this flag to specify where the SBC directs access calls from the internal network to users in the access network when the call is over TLS transport. The options are:

  • disabled (default) - Maintains the default SBC behavior to direct calls to the source IP address when the target user registered.
  • enabled - Directs the call to the address the SBC stored from the Contact header that was part of the user's REGISTER request.