This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:

Enforce SIPS if Egress is TLS

Use this flag to enforce SIPS URI scheme in the Request-Uri and Contact Header if a request is egressed using TLS as the transport. If enabled at the IAD side, theSBC sets the URI scheme of any header to SIPS.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling enforceSipsIfEgressIsTls <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Enforce SIPS if Egress is TLS Parameters


Enable this flag to change the URI scheme as described below.

  • disabled – (default) If this flag is disabled at AS side, the SBC uses SIP URI scheme. If disabled at the IAD side, the SBC sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips" to SIPS.
  • enabled – If flag is enabled at AS side, SBC enforces SIPS URI scheme in Request-Uri and Contact Header if the request is egressed using TLS as transport. If enabled at IAD side, SBC sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips" to SIPS.

Enforce TLS if SIPS URI Scheme Flag

Use this flag to enforce using TLS to egress a request if the Request-URI/topmost Route header uses “sips” scheme on a per-peer group basis.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling enforceTlsIfSipsUriScheme <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Enforce TLS if SIPS URI Scheme Parameters


Enable this flag to enforce using TLS to egress a request if the Request-URI/topmost Route header uses “sips” scheme on a per-peer group basis.

  • disabled – (default) If flag is disabled at AS side, SBC uses SIP URI scheme.If disabled at IAD side, SBC sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips", as SIPS. 
  • enabled – If flag is enabled at AS side, SBC enforces the use of TLS for egressing any dialog initiating request if incoming request has SIPS URI scheme in either Request-Uri or top-most Non-NBS Route Header. If enabled at IAD side, SBC sets URI scheme of any header using "sips", as SIPS.

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