This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Use a Register Contact profile to specify Contact header parameters (userpart, hostpart, or both) to use as additional parameters to uniquely define a registration. This could be needed to ensure that each registration is recognized as distinct when a user residing behind a PBX sends registration requests from multiple devices (such as a phone and laptop). Register Contact profiles are assigned at the zone level. For more information on using Register Contact profiles, refer to Creating Multiple User Registrations Based on Contact Headers in REGISTER Messages.

Command Syntax

The following is the command syntax to create a Register Contact profile object. 

% set profiles signaling registerContactProfile <profile name>
    contactIncludeVariables <hostpart | userpart>

Command Parameters

The following table describes the parameters in the Register Contact profile object.

<profile name>

Specifies a name for the Register Contact profile of up to 23 characters.


Specifies the element or elements within the Contact header to use as additional keys when creating or retrieving registration control blocks (RCBs). The options are:

  • userpart (default)
  • hostpart

If specifying more than one value, separate the values with a comma, such as: userpart,hostpart


To attach a Register Contact profile to a zone, use the following CLI syntax. For more information, refer to Zone - Register Contact Profile - CLI.

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> registerContactProfileName <registerContactProfile name>

Configuration Example

Use the following commands to create a Register Contact profile, named "RCP-1," that specifies that the SBC use both the Contact userpart and hostpart as additional keys when creating or retrieving RCBs. Once the profile is created, the subsequent commands assign the profile to a zone named "zone-10" in the default address context.

## create Register Contact Profile
% set profiles signaling registerContactProfile RCP-1 contactIncludeVariables userpart,hostpart
% commit
## assign Register Contact Profile
% set addressContext default zone zone-10 registerContactProfileName RCP-1
% commit