This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Most configuration settings are common across the nodes in an SBC cluster. The cluster's OAM node holds the active configuration and distributes any changes to the nodes within the cluster so that the cluster configuration remains homogeneous. However when necessary, you can perform actions or retrieve operational data from individual nodes. When a cluster is operating in OAM configuration mode, the SBC configuration model includes a “node” branch to enable node-specific interactions. As shown in the following figure, under the node branch, the main categories within the SBC model (addressContext, profile, and so on) are repeated for each individual node in the cluster.  

OAM Mode Configuration Model


The content under the node branch mirrors the standard SBC model, but only includes options that are applicable to individual nodes. Thus, most configuration options are removed. However actions, operational data, and external data are accessible for individual nodes. The node branch is only visible for SBC clusters operating in OAM configuration mode, as specified in their EMS cluster configuration. Refer to Creating an SBC SWe Cluster for more information on cluster configuration in the EMS.

Accessing Node-Level Options   

Although you are working with an individual node, use the OAM node (through either the SBC Configuration Manager or the CLI) to access the node branch to ensure that the overall cluster configuration remains synchronized. Refer to Modifying SBC Cluster Configuration for more information on general steps to access these interfaces for a cluster in OAM configuration mode.

Node-Level CLI

The CLI options under the node branch are arranged in the same hierarchy as the standard SBC model. When executing a command that includes the node attribute and the name of the node, the command returns data or performs an action on the specified node. For example, the following command retrieves call count status for the individual node "sbcVm1."

> show status node sbcVm1 global callCountStatus

In contrast, if the command does not include a node attribute and node name, it retrieves data for the node on which it is executed (OAM node).

> show status global callCountStatus

To retrieve the names of the individual nodes within the cluster, use the following command:

> show status node ?

Node-Level GUI

Within the SBC Configuration Manager GUI, the node branch options appear under All > Node in the navigation hierarchy. The following figure shows the left navigation pane under All with the Node branch expanded to the first level.

SBC Configuration Manager Navigation Pane


In pages under the Node branch, select a specific node from the Node list. In the following figure, the output on the Current Status page refers to the node "Cloud-cd9-oam-2."

Node List Selection

Viewing Operational Data or Performing Actions on a Node

Operational data is run-time, dynamic data that can differ between nodes in the same cluster. Operational data includes statistics and status output. In the SBC CLI, operational data is often accessed under show table or show status commands. Refer to Show Table System and Show Status System for more information on operational data.    

Actions are operations that can be executed and can be performed on a specific node when necessary.  In the SBC CLI, actions are often executed with a request command. Refer to Request Command Details - CLI for more information on actions.

Node Operational-Data Example

The following command returns the ICMP general group statistics for the node "Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1."

show status node Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1 global icmpGeneralGroupStatistics
icmpGeneralGroupStatistics Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1- {
    inMsgs          1452;
    inEchos         0;
    inEchoReps      3;
    inDestUnreachs  0;
    inErrors        0;
    outMsgs         0;
    outErrors       1462;
    outEchos        0;
    outEchoReps     0;
    outDestUnreachs 0;

To show ICMP general statistics, using the SBC Configuration Manager GUI:

  1. Log on to the EMS.
  2. Click Network > Cluster Management. The Cluster Management / Manage VNFs window opens listing the SBC clusters created on the EMS.

  3. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the cluster you want to configure. The Details tab for the selected cluster opens by default. 
  4. Click the Configurations tab. 

  5. Click Edit Configuration. The SBC Configuration Manager opens in a separate window against the cluster's active OAM node. 

  6. Go to All > Node > Global >  Icmp General Group Statistics The Icmp General Group Statistics window opens.

Node-level Icmp General Group Statistics

Node-Specific Action Example

The following command initiates a rollover of the trace log for the node "Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1."

> request node Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1 oam eventLog typeAdmin trace rolloverLogNow

To rollover the trace log using the SBC Configuration Manager GUI:

  1. Log on to the EMS.
  2. Click Network > Cluster Management. The Cluster Management / Manage VNFs window opens listing the SBC clusters created on the EMS.

  3. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the cluster you want to configure. The Details tab for the selected cluster opens by default. 
  4. Click the Configurations tab. 

  5. Click Edit ConfigurationThe SBC Configuration Manager opens in a separate window against the cluster's active OAM node

  6. Go to All > Node > OAM Event LogType Admin  The Type Admin window opens, showing a list of log types.

  7. In the Node list, select the specific node you want to configure. 

    Node-level Rollover of the Trace Log

  8. Click trace. The Type Admin Commands pane opens.
  9. In the Commands list, select Rollover Log Now and click Select.

Node-Specific Configuration

Most configuration is not accessible in the node branch and must be set for the cluster in the root addressContext/alarms/profile/global/oam/system branches. A small number of configurations can be set on an individual node. The default setting for node-level configuration is to inherit the setting from the global (cluster) configuration. A node-specific setting under the node branch takes precedence over cluster-wide configuration. Currently, node-level configuration is limited to setting the logging level for the different types of event logs and configuring global system settings (refer to System (Global) - CLI. The following CLI output and the previous GUI figure show that at the node level, the list of possible values for filter level includes "inherit-global-configuration."

admin@SBCvm-1% set node SBCvm-1 oam eventLog typeAdmin debug filterLevel ?
Events that are at least as severe as the designated level will be logged. noevents suppresses all events
of this type from being logged.

Possible completions:
  critical  info  inherit-global-configuration  major  minor  noevents

Node-Specific Configuration Example

The following three commands, issued on the OAM node, change the debug logging level from inherit-global-configuration to info for the SBC node "Cloud-cd9-ssbc-2."  As shown, the set command for the log level must be followed by commit to save the change locally and saveAndActivate to fully activate the configuration when the OAM node pushes the change to the nodes in the cluster.

admin@Cloud-cd9-oam-2% set node Cloud-cd9-ssbc-2 oam eventLog typeAdmin debug filterLevel
(inherit-global-configuration): info
[ok][2019-04-10 08:31:51]
admin@Cloud-cd9-oam-2% commit
Commit complete.
[ok][2019-04-10 11:58:37]

admin@Cloud-cd9-oam-2% request system admin vsbcSystem saveAndActivate
result success
reason Configuration save success
[ok][2019-04-10 11:58:54]

To determine the overall system name to use with the saveAndActivate command, issue the command: show status system admin ?
The system name appears under the heading "Possible completions"

To change the logging level for the node using the SBC Configuration Manager:

  1. Log on to the EMS.
  2. Click Network > Cluster Management. The Cluster Management / Manage VNFs window opens listing the SBC clusters created on the EMS.

  3. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the cluster you want to configure. The Details tab for the selected cluster opens by default. 
  4. Click the Configurations tab. 

  5. Click Edit Configuration. The SBC Configuration Manager opens in a separate window against the cluster's active OAM node

  6. Go to All > Node > OAM >  Event Log > Type Admin  The Type Admin window opens, showing a list of log types.

  7. In the Node list, select  "Cloud-cd9-ssbc-1." 

  8. Click debug. The Edit Selected Type Admin pane opens for the debug log type.

    Edit Debug Logging Level

  9. In Filter Level, enter "info."
  10. Click Save. The Filter Level in the Type Admin list is updated with the change.

  11. Click Apply Saved Changes and Close at the top of the SBC Configuration Manager window. The OAM node updates the configuration database for the cluster and pushes the change to the individual nodes.