This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Use this procedure to instantiate a Standalone SBC on Google Cloud.


The following restrictions exist in this release of SBC in the Google Cloud environment:

  • Only Sandybridge and Broadwell processor types are supported.
  • You can only associate one private IP and one public IP per interface. 
  • You cannot use an SSH key pair because cloud-init support is not available in the current Debian version of SWe.
  • SSH console access from the dashboard is not supported in this release. However, the interactive serial console access is supported.
  • Template-based deployment not supported in this release.
  • Only SSD disk types are supported for this release.


The steps to do a Manual install of a standalone SBC instance are as follows (refer to Configure VPC Networks for details):

  1. Create VPC Subnets for use in the deployment. 
  2. Create Firewall Rules to each of the VPC networks created. 
  3. Update or create Routes for the newly created subnets. 
  4. Allocate Static External IP Addresses to be used for external access to the SBC.

Instantiating a Standalone GCE SBC Instance

Complete the following steps to instantiate a Standalone SBC instance in Google Cloud:

Create an Instance

  1. From the GCP Console Navigation menu, navigate to Compute Engine > VM instances.
  2. Click Create. 
    The Create an instance page displays.

  3. Enter a name in the Name field.
  4. Select an appropriate Region.
  5. Select an appropriate Zone.
  6. Click Customize in the Machine type panel to open the expanded list.
  7. Use the sliders to select 4 vCPU and 15 GB memory. 

  8. Select Intel Broadwell or later under CPU platform.
  9. Choose the Boot disk option and then press Change to open the Boot disk panel: 

  10. Select Custom Images, then select the account containing the image (if not the current) and choose the SBC image.
  11. Select SSD persistent disk as the Boot disk type with the disk size as ≥ 65GB. 
  12. Click Select.
  13. Under Identity and API access click Allow full access to all Cloud APIs.
  14. Click on Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy. The tab will expand.

Configure Management Fields

  1. Click Management.

  2. In the Metadata section, enter the following data using Key value "user-data". The following table describes the user-data. 
    Meta Data Format - Key = user-data

    Meta Data value
      "CEName": "<CEName>",
      "ReverseNatPkt0" : "<True/False>",
      "ReverseNatPkt1" : "<True/False>",
      "SystemName": "<SystemName>",
      "SbcPersonalityType": "isbc",
      "AdminSshKey" : "public key value",
      "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0",
      "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0"
       "Mgt0Prefix": "<prefix>",

    Meta Data Example - Key = user-data

    Meta Data value
      "CEName": "vsbc1",
      "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False",
      "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False",
      "SystemName": "vsbcSystem",
      "SbcPersonalityType": "isbc",
      "AdminSshKey" : "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCJnrFMr/RXJD3rVLMLdkJBYau+lWQ+F55Xj+KjunVBtw/
      "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0",
      "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0",
      "Mgt0Prefix": "24"

    The AdminSshKey text string is one continuous string with no line breaks. It is shown on several lines in order to fit the page.

    Userdata Content Description





    AdminSshKeyN/AstringThe public key value used to login to the instance as admin user.




    This specifies the actual CE name of the SBC instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    CEName Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.

    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.

    • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length


    The prefix (for example, /24) of the MGT0 subnet.

    Note: Recommended prefix is 24.

    ReverseNatPkt0 / ReverseNatPkt1N/ATrue/False

    Reverse NAT flag for Pkt0 and Pkt1.


    • True – Use this flag to consider the FIPV4 entity using the value provided in the dictionary.
    • False (default) – Use this flag to configure FIPV4 using SMM rules, and to ignore the FIPV4 provided in the dictionary.
    SbcPersonalityType4stringThe name of the SBC personality type for this instance. At this time only integrated SBC (isbc) is supported in AWS.




    This specifies the actual system name of the SBC instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems

    System Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.

    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.

    • Cannot exceed 26 characters in length.



    0-? in vCPUs

    Enter the number of CPUs to be reserved for use with third-party apps.  

    Note: Default is 0



    0-? in MB

    Enter the number of MB of memory to be reserved for use with third-party apps.   

    Note: Default is 0

Configure Networking Fields

  1. Click Networking.

  2. Click default under Network interfaces. The default Network interface will expand.

  3. Select the management VPC Network that you created earlier.

  4. For Subnetwork select the management network that you created earlier.

  5. Select Ephemeral (Automatic) for Primary internal IP.

  6. Select an External IP for management based on that you created earlier.

  7. Click Done.

Add Network Interface

  1. Click Add network interface to add an interface for HA0.

  2. Select the appropriate VPC Network that you created earlier.

  3. For Subnetwork select the management network that you created earlier.

  4. Select Ephemeral (Automatic) for Primary internal IP.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for PKT0 and PKT1 networks.
    Once completed, the Networking tab will be similar to this example:

  7. Click Create to instantiate the VM.

Accessing the Instance as linuxadmin User

In order to allow access to the instance by a linuxadmin user (for new SBC builds), you must add an SSH key to the Security tab, as follows:

  1. Navigate to SSH Keys section.
  2. Enable "Block project-wide SSH keys".
  3. Provide the following data in the Add Item field:
    <public-key-value> linuxadmin

 Click to view example

Enabling Serial Console Access to the Instance

  1. After you create the instance, click the instance name and then click EDIT.
  2. Enable the console access by clicking Enable connecting to serial ports.
  3. Click Save. 

Connecting to the Serial Console of the Instance

  1. After you create the instance, click the instance name and then click EDIT.
  2. Connect to the serial console by clicking Connect to serial console. 

  3. The first item shown in the console is the SSH key information needed to connect to the instance using the SSH key.