This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.
This section provides overview information about installing and running the Ribbon SBC Software Edition (SWe) software in virtual environments. The virtual SBC application software includes the same basic features and functionality as included with the physical SBC.
The SBC Core system is a closed network device. Customer modifications at the Linux level are not allowed or supported. These modifications can cause stability, update and fail-over issues. Customers should only configure the SBC using the supported interfaces (Ribbon SBC Core CLI, REST API, EMA, or Ribbon EMS).
While performing image-based instantiation procedures to install the SBC such as, Installation and Image Replacement Upgrade on KVM Using a QCOW2 File, or Installing SBC on VMware vCenter Using OVA Package, the timezone and NTP values you provide are not configured, and the application timezone defaults to EST/EDT.
On 1:1 HA pair instances, if processor indices values stored in the DB do not match with the indices calculated by the standby then the standby will reboot. Beginning with the next boot, the standby uses the indices stored in the DB for the session estimations.