This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.


Use this window to configure Session Recording Server (SRS) group data objects which are components of SRS group profiles. An SRS group data object specifies configuration for an SRS within the group. When you create an SRS group profile you create an initial SRS group data object within it, but a profile can contain up to eight SRS group data objects. Use this window to create additional SRS group data objects for a profile, or to make changes to the group data objects within a profile.

To View SRS Group Data Objects

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Servers > Srs Group Profile > Srs Group Data. The Srs Group Data window opens.

By default, SRS group data objects for "All Srs Group Profiles" are listed in the Srs Group Data List window. To see only the SRS Group Data for a particular SRS group profile, select the name of the profile in the Srs Group Profile list.

Srs Group Data

To Create an SRS Group Data Object

  1. In the Srs Group Profile list, select the Srs group profile to which you want to add an SRS group data object. The New Srs Group Data option becomes available.

  2. Click New Srs Group Data. The Create New Srs Group Data window opens.

    Create New Srs Group Data

  3. Use the following table to configure the object and then click Save

SRS Group Data Parameters

PriorityThe index number for this SRS group data configuration. The SBC supports up to eight SRS group data objects within a profile. The range allowed is 0 to 7.
TransportThe transport type for this SRS.
  • TCP
  • TLS
  • UDP (default)
IP Address V4 or V6IPv4 or IPv6 address of this SRS (The values "" or "0::0" are not allowed)
FQDNAn FQDN for the SRS server of up to 63 characters. Specify either an FQDN or IP address for the SRS entry, not both.
IP Port / FQDN PortTCP/TLS/UDP port for this SRS. Either the IP Port or FQDN Port field becomes available depending on whether you enter a value in the IP Address or FQDN field. The range allowed is 0-65535.
IP TGIDName of the IP trunk group to use to initiate sessions towards the SRS.

Specifies whether or not SRTP is enabled for the SRS. The options are:

  • Disable (default) - the SRTP packets received from the participant are decrypted and sent to the recorder.
  • Enable - the media towards the recorder is encrypted.
Crypto Suite Profile

Specifies the name of the crypto suite profile, up to 23 characters

When a profile is selected, the SBC uses its encryption technique towards the SRS (the crypto suite of the communication session (CS) is discarded).
If  a Crypto Suite Profile is not configured, the encryption technique towards the SRS utilizes the negotiated crypto suite details of the respective CS tap leg (ingress tap leg/egress tap leg).
Note: SRTP must be enabled for this option to be available.

To Edit an SRS Group Data Object

  1. Select an SRS group data object by clicking the radio button adjacent to it. The Edit Selected Srs Group Data window opens.

  2. Make the required changes and click Save.

To Copy an SRS Group Data Object

  1. Select an SRS group data object by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click Copy Srs Group Data. The Copy Selected Srs Group Data window opens.

  3. Make changes and click Save.

To Delete an SRS Group Data Object

  1. Select the SRS group data object by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click the Delete icon (X) at the end of the row.
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.