This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


E.164 is an international numbering plan for public telephone systems in which each assigned number contains a country code, a national destination code, and a subscriber number. An E.164 number consists of up to 15 digits and/or characters:

  • DIGITS: 0 ~ 9
  • VISUAL SEPARATORS: "-", ".", "(",")"
Some European countries allow HEX DIGITS ("a" ~ "f"/"A"~"F") in the various numbers. By default, the SBC parses the digit strings, removes the visual characters, truncates the special characters ("*" and "#"), and the Hex Digits (A~F, a~f).

The SBC Core supports configuring an E.164 profile to manage the behavior of E.164 Normalization. Use the E164Profile object to configure E.164 profiles which can then be attached to a SIP Trunk Group at the signaling level (refer to SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI for details). Different E.164 profiles can be configured for both Local and Global numbers.

The E.164 Profile provides flexibility to allow/truncate/remove specific characters as part of Normalization as described on this page.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling E164Profile <profile name>
	sonusE164ProfCharDot <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharHash <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharHyphen <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharLeftCircularBracket <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharNonFirstPlus <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharRightCircularBracket <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfCharStar <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitA <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitB <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitC <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitD <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitE <allow | remove | truncate>
	sonusE164ProfDigitF <allow | remove | truncate>

% delete profiles signaling E164Profile <profile name>

Command Parameters

The E164 Profile parameters are described below:

E164 Profile Parameters

<E164 profile name>1-23The name of the E164 profile.

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex character "A"/"a" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex "B"/"b" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex "C"/"c" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex "D"/"d" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex "E"/"e" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Hex "F"/"f" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether Non First "+ " is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether character "*" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether character "#" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove
  • truncate (default)

Use this parameter to specify whether character "-" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove (default)
  • truncate

Use this parameter to specify whether character "." is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove (default)
  • truncate

Use this parameter to specify whether character "(" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove (default)
  • truncate

Use this parameter to specify whether character ")" is allowed, removed or truncated to the previous allowed digit/character" for this E164Profile.

  • allow
  • remove (default)
  • truncate

  • No labels