This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


The global country object allows you to configure the information about specific countries in your network. The Country table is pre-populated with sample Country IDs and descriptions when you first install the database. You must add any missing country codes applicable to your network to ensure accurate call processing.

Command Syntax

% set global country <country code> listOfNumberOfDigitsToMatch 
   called <list of digit lengths in called #> 
   calling <list of digit lengths in calling0 #> 
   criteria <list of digit lengths in called # for pattern matching>
% set global country <countrycode> variableLengthDialPlan <disable | enable> 
% show global country <countrycode>
% show global country listOfNumberOfDigitsToMatch
% delete global country <countrycode>

Command Parameters

Global Country Parameters






Specifies a unique identifier for the country.



Select any one of the matching pattern.

  • called Comma-separated list of numbers, indicating the number of digits in the Called Number used for pattern matching.
  • calling Comma-separated list of numbers, indicating the number of digits in the Calling Number used for pattern matching.
  • criteria Applies when numbers are translated using the SBC tables.



Specifies the variable length Dial Plan flag.

  • disabled (default) – not in use
  • enabled – turned on and active

Command Example

To display the current list of country codes:

% show global country  
   1 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   20 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   27 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   30 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   31 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   32 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   33 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   34 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   36 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.  
   39 - A unique identifier for the Country Code.

To view the configuration details of a specific country code:

admin@Hackos% show global country 1
 listOfNumberOfDigitsToMatch {
 	called 10,6,3,0;
 	calling 10,6,3,0;
 	criteria "";
 variableLengthDialPlan disable;
 [ok][2012-07-06 06:24:45] 


The show command displays first 100 entries from the country option. To view the country name that you have created, use wild card.

  • No labels