This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


Use these procedures to configure SBC and Lync servers to use the TCP protocol.

This page provides sample configuration therefore the values provided will vary based on the user environment.

The pathCheck Profile on Lync IP-Peer needs to be disabled while switching from TCP to TLS and vice versa.


The SBC 5210 and SBC 7000 systems support creating IP Interface Groups containing sets of IP interfaces that are not "processor friendly" (i.e. carried on physical Ethernet ports served by separate processors). However, restrictions exist regarding the usage of such Interface Groups.

(This ability does not apply to the SBC 5110 and 5400 systems which have only two physical media ports. IP interfaces from the two physical ports may be configured within the same IP Interface Groups without restrictions.)

For complete details, refer to Configuring IP Interface Groups and Interfaces.

Ribbon recommends using the highest TLS version supported by both the SBC and the peer equipment.


If a zone's sipSigPort is configured for transportProtocolsAllowedsip-tls-tcp, the SBC increments the configured portNumber by 1 and uses it as the new port number for SIP over TLS signaling. The SBC then opens a TCP socket for SIP over TLS for the new TCP port number.

Example: When sipSigPort is configured with a portNumber of 5060 and transportProtocolsAllowed = sip-tls-tcp, the SBC listens on TCP port 5061 for SIP over TLS.

Global Configuration

This section provides global configuration steps.

  1. Create Codec Entry.
    1. Create G.711 Codec Entry or create G.711 with Silence Suppresion Codec Entry for Comfort Noise.

      set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 dtmf relay rfc2833
      set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 packetSize 20



      set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 sendSid enable dtmf relay rfc2833
      set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 packetSize 20
  2.  Set RTCP interval.

    set system media mediaRtcpControl senderReportInterval 5
  3. Create SIP Domains for Mediation Servers to be used with Call Transfer.

    set global sipDomain
    set global sipDomain
  4. Configuring Tone And Announcement Profile. 

    set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF
    set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable makeInbandToneAvailable enable
    set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable
    set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags dynamicLRBT enable
    set system mediaProfile compression 75 tone 25

Configuration in the Lync Side (Enterprise Network)

The following configuration is made on the Lync side:

  1. Create Path Check Profile.

    set profiles services pathCheckProfile LYNC_OPTIONS protocol sipOptions sendInterval 20 replyTimeoutCount 1 recoveryCount 1
  2. Create Packet Service Profile with G.711 or create Packet Service Profile with G.711 w/ Silence Suppresion.

    # Using G.711 Codec
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable terminationForPassthrough enable
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable
    # Using G.711 Codec with Silence Suppresion for Comfort Noise
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711SS_2833_20 
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable terminationForPassthrough enable
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode only
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711u otherLeg g711u
  3. Create IP Signaling Profile.

    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes optionTagInRequireHeader suppressReplaceTag enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags publishIPInHoldSDP enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes domainName useZoneLevelDomainNameInContact enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable
  4. Create Feature Control Profile.

    set profiles featureControlProfile LYNC_FCP ipProtocolFlags useIpProtocol enable defaultCalledUser enable
  5. Create IP Interface Group.

    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 ceName LYNCSBC portName pkt0
    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 ipAddress prefix 24
    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 mode inService state enabled
  6. Create Zone.

    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE id 2
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE domainName
  7. Create SIP Signaling Port.

    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 2 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 
    transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp state enabled mode inService
  8. Create External DNS Group or local DNS group.

    # Configuring External DNS Group
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup EXT_DNS
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup EXT_DNS type mgmt server DNS1 ipAddress state enabled
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE dnsGroup EXT_DNS
    # Configuring Local DNS Group
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS1 hostName data 1 ipAddress state enabled
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS1 hostName data 2 ipAddress state enabled
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS1 hostName order roundrobin state enabled
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS1 state enabled
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS2 state enabled hostName data 1 ipAddress state enabled
    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS3 state enabled hostName data 1 ipAddress state enabled

    You can configure centralized round-robin or strict round-robin for first-come first-served basis. Centralized round-robin is not recommended for high call traffic volume.

    For distributed round-robin over a large volume of traffic, configure the following:

    set addressContext a1 dnsGroup LOCAL_DNS localRecord DNS1 hostName order roundrobin state enabled

  9. Create SIP Trunk.

    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy media packetServiceProfile LYNC_PSP
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile LYNC_IPSP
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG downstreamForkingSupport enabled
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling rel100Support enabled
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG services dnsSupportType a-only
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG policy featureControlProfile LYNC_FCP
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG signaling acceptHistoryInfo enabled
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE sipTrunkGroup LYNC_TG mode inService state enabled
  10. Create IP Peer.

    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE ipPeer LYNC_IPP
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE ipPeer LYNC_IPP policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5068
    set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE ipPeer LYNC_IPP pathCheck profile LYNC_OPTIONS hostName hostPort 5068 state enabled
  11. Create Static Route

    set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100

If you are using IPv6 addressing, then Static Route, IP Peer and Ingress IP Prefix needs to be configured as per IPv6 addressing scheme.

Below is an example of IP interface group and SIP signaling port configuration in the Lync Side using IPv6 addressing scheme:

Example IP interface group and SIP signaling port configuration:
###Create IP Interface Group
set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 altIpAddress fc00::10:f:f:f:11 altPrefix 64

###Create SIP Signaling Port
set addressContext a1 zone LYNC_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 2 ipAddressV6 fc00::10:f:f:f:11

Configuration in the Service Provider Side (SP Network)

There is no specific parameters to be set on Service Provider side hence standard trunkgroup creation procedure needs to be followed based on deployment. The below provides example configuration.

To play LRBT, apply 'Tones and Announcement' profile on trunk group as appropriate.


  1. Create Packet Service Profile.

    set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
    set profiles media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable
  2. Create IP Signaling Profile.

    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags disable2806Compliance enable
    set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable
  3. Create IP Interface Group.

    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 ipAddress prefix 24
    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 ceName LYNCSBC portName pkt1
    set addressContext a1 ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 mode inService state enabled
  4. Create Zone.

    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE id 3
  5. Create SIP Signaling Port.

    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE id 3 sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 
    portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp state enabled mode inService
  6. Create SIP Trunk.

    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy media packetServiceProfile SP_PSP
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile SP_IPSP
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SP_TG mode inService state enabled
  7. Create IP Peer.

    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP
    set addressContext a1 zone SP_ZONE ipPeer SP_IPP ipAddress ipPort 5060
  8. Create Static Route.

    set addressContext a1 staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100

Global Call Routing Configuration

The following is the global call routing configuration:

  1. Create Routing Labels.

    set global callRouting routingLabel LYNC_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup LYNC_TG ipPeer LYNC_IPP inService inService
    set global callRouting routingLabel SP_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SP_TG ipPeer SP_IPP inService inService
  2. Create Routes.

    set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 10 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel LYNC_RL
    set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 20 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SP_RL
    set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel LYNC_RL
    set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel LYNC_RL


  • No labels