This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.


At a high level, the functions performed by the ATCF are:

  • The ATCF is a function in the serving (visited if roaming) network. When SRVCC enhanced with ATCF, the ATCF is included in the session control plane for the duration of the call before and after access transfer. The ATCF may be co-located with one of the existing functional entities within the serving network (that is, P-CSCF or IBCF).
  • Allocates an STN-SR.
  • Includes itself for the SIP sessions.
  • Instructs the ATGW to anchor the media path for originating and terminating sessions.
  • Keeps track of sessions (either in pre-alerting state, alerting state, active, or held) to perform access transfer of the selected session.
  • Performs the access transfer and updates the ATGW with the new media path for the (for example, CS) access leg, without requiring updating the remote leg.
  • After Access Transfer, updates the SCC AS that access transfer has taken place to ensure that T-ADS have the information on the currently used access.
  • Handles failure cases during the access transfer.


Ribbon recommends using the Transparency Profile to configure transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments, as well as applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.

Deployment Scenarios

SBC IMS Deployment - A-SBC as ATCF Provisioning

Call Flow

Registration Call Flow

Registration Call Flow

The call flow description for Figure 2 is as follows:

  1. The Ribbon SBC, acting as an A-SBC and ATCF, receives REGISTER request from UE.
  2. The SBC processes the REGISTER request and based on the local configuration applies ATCF procedures for REGISTER. It adds all the ATCF specific parameters (Feature-Caps header with g.3gpp.atcf, g.3gpp.atcf-mgmt-uri, and g.3gpp.atcf-path parameters) to the REGISTER. It also inserts a Path header pointing to itself as a part of ATCF procedures.
  3. The SBC acting as a B2BUA, changes Contact header to point itself and forwards the REGISTER request towards P-CSCF.
  4. P-CSCF forwards REGISTER towards I/S-CSCF.
  5. I/S-CSCF responds to the REGISTER with 200 OK.
  6. P-CSCF forwards 200 OK response (to REGISTER) towards the SBC, acting as an A-SBC and ATCF.
  7. The SBC stores the Path and Service-Route headers and forwards these headers transparently towards UE. It also inserts a Feature-Caps header field with g.3gpp.atcf feature-capability indicator containing the STN-SR allocated to ATCF.
  8. SCC AS sends MESSAGE request towards the SBC/ATCF’s Management URI (sent in Feature-Caps header while forwarding REGISTER request). The MESSAGE contains application/vnd.3gpp.SRVCC-info+xml. The message contains
    • ATU-STI for PS to CS SRVCC
    • b) C-MSISDN
  9. The SBC acting as ATCF, processes MESSAGE request and binds the information present in the message-body against registration control block for that UE.

The authentication challenge procedures are not shown in this call-flow for brevity.

PS to CS SRVCC for UE originated Call Flow

PS to CS SRVCC for UE originated Call Flow

The call flow description for Figure 3 is as follows:

  1. The initial call is established over LTE access between UE-A and UE-B. The signaling and media are anchored at the A-SBC/ATCF.
  2. UE-A moves to CS domain and attaches itself to CS domain.
  3. The MSC that is attached to the UE, sends an INVITE request with STN-SR in Request-URI towards ATCF to initiate PS to CS handover. The INVITE request contains C-MSISDN in P-Asserted-Identity header.
  4. After receiving an INVITE with STN-SR (that is, a PS to CS handover request), the SBC/ATCF uses C-MSISDN to derive the UE’s identity and the associated session.
  5. It allocates port towards MSC server and switches the media-ports towards MSC server.
  6. It sends 200 OK towards MSC Server.
  7. MSC Server responds with ACK. With this, the handover is completed and the media path is established towards the UE through MSC server that is, CS domain.
  8. The SBC/ATCF establishes a new dialog with the SCC AS through I-CSCF by sending a new SIP INVITE request to the SCC AS using the stored ATU-STI for PS to CS SRVCC.
    The INVITE request contains:
    • SDP offer containing the currently used media with ATGW ports and IP addresses towards the remote UE as provided by the ATGW. The ATCF only includes the media of the media types in the SDP offer. The media types are offered in the received SIP INVITE request due to STN-SR.
    • Request-URI containing the ATU-STI for PS to CS SRVCC previously received from the SCC AS and associated with the session being transferred.
    • Target-Dialog header field with the dialog identifier of the session that is transferred.
  9. I-CSCF forwards the INVITE to SCC AS.
  10. SCC AS responds with 200 OK to INVITE.
  11. I-CSCF forwards the 200 OK to INVITE to the SBC/ATCF.
    In the remaining steps, SCC AS clears the old access leg established over LTE access.


Global Configuration

ATCF Configuration

set global signaling srvcc stnSr +1-237-555-3333 atcfUri callLingerTimer 32

Trunk Group Towards UE

set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE signaling registration requireRegistration required-nonpriority useRUriForRegisterRouting enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE signaling prefRequireTransparency "enabled" deRegParentWithChildDereg "enabled" validateAor "enabled" condIncMethInAllowHdr "enabled" usePsxRouteForEmergencyCall "enabled"
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE callRouting useRouteSet rcbNextHopAndStored
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_PCSCF egressIpAttributes privacy transparency enable

IPsec Support for SBC Only Mode

set profiles services sipSecurityProfile IPSEC_SBC sbxSecMode sbc-only
set profiles services sipSecurityProfile IPSEC_SBC sipSecurityMechanism ipsec-3gpp precedence 1
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 ipsec enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE services sipSecurityProfile IPSEC_SBC
set addressContext default ipsec spd spd1 action bypass localIpAddr localIpPrefixLen 32 localPort 5060 precedence 10 state enabled
set addressContext default ipsec spd spd2 action bypass localIpAddr localIpPrefixLen 32 localPort 5061 precedence 11 state enabled

Precondition Support

set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_IMSCORE services preconditions transparent
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE services preconditions transparent

MSRP Support

set profiles media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT videoCalls maxVideoBandwith 50000
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_IMSCORE media msrp enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE  media msrp enabled
set system media dedicatedBWForNonRTPMedia 50

Attaching ATCF Profile to IPSP

  1. Select "ATCF" profile from the "Access Transfer Policy Type" option.

    Selecting ATCF Profile

  2. Attach the ATCF profile to the Ip signaling profile of a Trunk Group.

    Attaching ATCF profile to the IPSP Trunk group

Configuring SBC Towards UE

The following profiles are configured:

Transparency Profile

set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader To
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader From
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Path
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Accept
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Reason
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Server
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Warning
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Call-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Alert-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Error-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader User-Agent
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Referred-By excludedMethods register,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Request-URI
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader Accept-Language
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipHeader P-Called-Party-Id
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/rlmi+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody message/external-body
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/cpim-pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/pidf-diff+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/dialog-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/simple-filter+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/resource-lists+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/conference-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/simple-message-summary
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS sipMessageBody application/vnd.3gpp.srvcc-ext ignoreTransparency yes
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS  state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_ACCESSNW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_UE services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_ACCESS

Zone Index Profile

The following fields must be configured:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • Description
  • Zone Index

PSX Zone Index Profile

Ip Signaling Profile

The following parameters must be configured under "Ip Signaling Profile".

Common IP Attributes

The following "Common IP Attributes" must be enabled in PSX under "IP SIGNALING PROFILE":

  • No Port Number 5060

  • Reject REFER

  • ReQuery PSX on REGISTER Refresh

  • Disable Host Translation

  • End to End BYE

  • End to End RE-INVITE

  • End to End UPDATE

  • Store P-Charging-Vector

  • Validate Access Nw Info Header

  • Insert UE Flow Info

PSX IPSP-Common IP Attributes

Relay Flags

The following "Relay Flags" must be enabled under "Ip Signaling profile":

  • Dialog Event Package
  • Info
  • Options
  • Select Reject the REFER request if no match is found from Refer To Header Relay option.

PSX IPSP-Relay Flags

Transparency Flags

The following "Transparency Flags" must be enabled under "Ip Signaling profile":

  • Contact Header*

PSX IPSP-Transparency Flags

Egress IP Attributes

The following "Egress IP Attributes" must be enabled:

  • Select SIP Only from IP Protocol Type.
  • Select BCI Interwork Encountered from BCI option.
  • Select Transparency from Privacy option.
  • Select Merge Received Contacts with Existing Contacts from Redirect option.
  • Select Include None from Include Charge Information (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select None from SIP TO Header Mapping from SIP Headers and Parameters option.
  • Select Include OLIP from Flags (under SIP Headers And Parameters option).
  • Select Transparency For Destination Trunk Group Parameter from Flags (under SIP Headers And Parameters option).
  • Select End To End Ack from Flags (under SIP Headers And Parameters option).
  • Select Diversion from Call Forwarding (under SIP Headers And Parameters option).

PSX IPSP-Egress Ip Attributes

Ingress IP Attributes

The following "Ingress IP Attributes" must be enabled:

  • 181 Supported (under Flags option)

PSX IPSP Ingress IP Attributes

Sip Trunk Group

The following profiles/fields must be enabled:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • IP Signaling Profile
  • Feature Control Profile
  • Signaling Profile
  • SIP Domain
  • IP Version Preference
  • Use IPTG Routing (Hop By Hop Routing) For Ingress (Ingress > Flags)
  • Do Not Use For Fallback Bearer Capability (Egress > Flags)
  • IP Peer Supported (Egress > IPTG)
  • Egress IP Signaling Profile (Egress > IPTG)
  • Select Traffic Management Options from Trunk Group Reserved Level 1 and Trunk Group Reserved Level 2.
  • Select Services as Not Screened.

PSX Trunk Group (towards UE)

Configuring SBC Towards IMS Core with an External P-CSCF

The following profiles are configured:

Transparency Profile

set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader To
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader From
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Path
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Accept
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Reason
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Server
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Warning
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Call-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Alert-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Error-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader User-Agent
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Referred-By excludedMethods register,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Request-URI
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Accept-Language
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader P-Called-Party-Id
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Require
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Proxy-Require
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Security-Client
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipHeader Security-Verify
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml excludedMethods register,invite,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/rlmi+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody message/external-body
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/cpim-pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/pidf-diff+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/dialog-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/simple-filter+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/resource-lists+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/conference-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW sipMessageBody application/simple-message-summary
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_CORENW services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_CORENW

Zone Index Profile

The following fields must be configured:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • Description
  • Zone Index

PSX Zone Index Profile

Ip Signaling Profile

Common Ip Attributes

The following "Common IP Attributes" must be enabled in PSX under "IP SIGNALING PROFILE":

  • Add P-Charging-Function Addr
  • Create P-Charging-Vector
  • Create P-Visited-Network Id
  • Customized Session Timer Behavior
  • Disable Host Translation
  • End to End BYE
  • End to End RE-INVITE
  • End to End UPDATE
  • End to End PRACK
  • Enable Dial String Handling
  • No Port Number 5060
  • P-Called-Party-Id-Support
  • Restrict History Info Header
  • Store P-Charging Vector
  • Store Service-Route Header
  • Validate Access Nw Info Header
  • Insert UE Flow Info

PSX IPSP-Common IP Attributes

Relay Flags

The following "Relay Flags" must be enabled under "Ip Signaling profile":

  • Dialog Event Package
  • Info
  • Options
  • Select Reject the REFER request if no match is found from Refer To Header Relay option.

PSX IPSP-Common IP ATTRibutes-Relay Flags

Egress Ip Attributes

The following "Egress IP Attributes" must be enabled:

  • Select SIP Only from IP Protocol Type option.
  • Select Transit PAI From Unregistered Peer from Flags.
  • Select Use IP Signaling Peer Domain In R-URI from Domain Name option.
  • Select Include npdi from NPDI Options (under Number Portability Attributes option).
  • Select P-Preferred-ID from Privacy Information (under Privacy option).
  • Select Merge Received Contacts with Existing Contacts (under Redirect)
  • Select Include None from Include Charge Information (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Not Send from Session-Expires Refresher (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select None from SIP TO Header Mapping (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Transparency For Destination Trunk Group Parameter from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select End To End Ack from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Diversion from Call Forwarding (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Retry Without ETS from the Action For ETS 400 Responses With 417 Reason Code drop-down box (under SIP RPH ETS).
  • Set ETS Default Priority Value as 0 (under SIP RPH ETS).

PSX IPSP-Common IP Attributes-Egress IP Attributes


Sip Trunk Group

The following profiles/fields must be enabled:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • IP Signaling Profile
  • Feature Control Profile
  • Signaling Profile
  • SIP Domain
  • IP Version Preference
  • Use IPTG Routing (Hop By Hop Routing) For Ingress (Ingress > Flags)
  • Do Not Use For Fallback Bearer Capability (Egress > Flags)
  • IP Peer Supported (Egress > IPTG)
  • Egress IP Signaling Profile (Egress > IPTG)
  • Select Traffic Management Options from Trunk Group Reserved Level 1 and Trunk Group Reserved Level 2.
  • Select Services as Not Screened.

PSX Sip Trunk Group towards IMS Core

Configuring SBC Towards IBCF

The following profiles are configured:

Transparency Profile

request system security generateSipHeaderEncryptionKeys
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Path
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Service-Route
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Feature-Caps
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Accept-Contact
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Alert-Info
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Contact
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader WWW-Authenticate
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Error-Info
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader From
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader History-Info
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader P-Called-Party-ID
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Reason
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Referred-By
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader To
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Accept
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Call-Info
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Warning
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader User-Agent
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Server
set profile services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipHeader Accept-Language
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml excludedMethods register,invite,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/rlmi+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody message/external-body
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/cpim-pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/pidf-diff+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/dialog-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/simple-filter+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/resource-lists+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/conference-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF sipMessageBody application/simple-message-summary
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_IBCF sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_IBCF services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF

Zone Index profile

Configuration Towards Peer in External:

set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW id 5 sipSigPort 1 ipInterfaceGroupName LIG3 ipAddressV4 ipAddressV6 fd00:10:6b50:248f::c portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp,sip-tls-tcp,sip-sctp mode inService state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW dialogTransparency enabled 

The following fields must be configured:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • Description
  • Zone Index

PSX IPSP Zone Index Profile

PSX Route URI Based Routing

The following flags must be configured:

  1. Create a Feature Profile.
    1. Enable Perform Route Header Based Routing.

      Route Header Based Routing

    2. On the SIP Trunk Group, select the mapped Feature Control Profile and IP Signaling Profile.

      Ingress SIP TG

  2. Create Call Parameter Filter Profile and set the values for:
    1. Type as "Regex Group."
    2. Variable Type as "Route URI Host Part."
    3. Configure RouteURI as matching Regex String.

      Call Parameter Filter Profile

  3. Create Policy Profile.
    1. Enable URI and URI Action as "Override IP Peer with Route URI Host Part".
    2. Map the created Call Parameter Filter Profile.

      Policy Profile

  4. Map the Policy Profile under Policy Profile Group.

    Policy Profile Group

  5. On the SIP Trunk Group under Egress, select the Output Policy Profile Group.

    Egress SIP TG

  6. For domain based configuration, select UserName Routing.

    1. Select the already mapped Call Parameter Filter Profile and Domain Name from the drop-down menu.

      Username Routing



IP Signaling Profile

Common Ip Attributes

The following "Common IP Attributes" must be enabled in PSX under "IP SIGNALING PROFILE":

  • Add P-Charging-Function Addr
  • Create P-Charging-Vector
  • Create P-Visited-Network Id
  • Create Path Header
  • Customized Session Timer Behavior
  • Disable Host Translation
  • End to End BYE
  • End to End RE-INVITE
  • End to End UPDATE
  • End to End PRACK
  • Enable Dial String Handling
  • No Port Number 5060
  • P-Called-Party-Id-Support
  • Restrict History Info Header
  • Store P-Charging Vector
  • Store Service-Route Header
  • Validate Access Nw Info Header

PSX IPSP Common Ip Attributes

Relay Flags

The following "Relay Flags" must be enabled under "Ip Signaling profile":

  • Dialog Event Package
  • Info
  • Options
  • Select Reject the REFER request if no match is found from Refer To Header Relay option.

PSX IPSP Common Ip Attributes Relay Flags

Egress Ip Attributes 

The following "Egress IP Attributes" must be enabled:

  • Select SIP Only from IP Protocol Type.
  • Select Transit PAI From Unregistered Peer from Flags.
  • Select Use IP Signaling Peer Domain In R-URI from Domain Name option.
  • Select Include npdi from NPDI Options from Number Portability Attributes option.
  • Select P-Preferred-ID from Privacy Information from Privacy option.
  • Select Include Privacy from Flags (under Privacy).
  • Select Merge Received Contacts with Existing Contacts from Redirect option.
  • Select Include None from Include Charge Information option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Not Send from Session-Expires Refresher option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select None from SIP TO Header Mapping option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Transparency For Destination Trunk Group Parameter from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select End To End Ack from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Diversion from Call Forwarding (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Retry Without ETS from the Action For ETS 400 Responses With 417 Reason Code drop-down box (under SIP RPH ETS).
  • Set ETS Default Priority Value as 0  (under SIP RPH ETS).

PSX IPSP Engress Ip Attributes

Sip Trunk Group

IBCF (Towards Peer IBCF/IPX)

set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF signaling registration requireRegistration none
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_IBCF
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF media omrAllowed enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF media primaryRealmName RealmName2
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF media directMediaAllowed disabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipRegRelay enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF callRouting useRouteSet received
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF callRouting sendRouteUriToPsx enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF signaling skipDTGLookupForRouteHeader enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF services honorSdpClockRate enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_CORENW sipTrunkGroup IBCF transitIoi "IBCF"

The following profiles/fields must be enabled:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • IP Signaling Profile
  • Feature Control Profile
  • Signaling Profile
  • SIP Domain
  • IP Version Preference
  • Use IPTG Routing (Hop By Hop Routing) For Ingress (Ingress > Flags)
  • Do Not Use For Fallback Bearer Capability (Egress > Flags)
  • Select Traffic Management Options from Trunk Group Reserved Level 1 and Trunk Group Reserved Level 2.
  • Select Services as Not Screened.

Sip Trunk Group towards IBCF

Configuring SBC Towards MSC

The following profiles are configured:

Transparency Profile

set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader To
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader From
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Path
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Accept
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Reason
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Server
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Warning
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Call-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Alert-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Error-Info
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader User-Agent
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Referred-By excludedMethods register,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Request-URI
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Accept-Language
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader P-Called-Party-Id
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Require
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Proxy-Require
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Security-Client
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipHeader Security-Verify
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml excludedMethods register,invite,subscribe,info,publish,message,options,update,bye
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/rlmi+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody message/external-body
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/cpim-pidf+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/pidf-diff+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/dialog-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/simple-filter+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/resource-lists+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/conference-info+xml
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC sipMessageBody application/simple-message-summary
set profiles services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC state enabled
set addressContext default zone ZONE_MSC sipTrunkGroup TG_TOWARDS_MSC services transparencyProfile TRANS_PROF_MSC

Zone Index Profile

The following fields must be configured:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • Description
  • Zone Index

PSX Zone Index Profile

Ip Signaling Profile

Common Ip Attributes

The following "Common IP Attributes" must be enabled in PSX under "IP SIGNALING PROFILE":

  • Add P-Charging Function Addr
  • Create P-Charging-Vector
  • Create P-Visited-Network Id
  • Create Path Header
  • Disable Host Translation
  • End to End BYE
  • End to End RE-INVITE
  • End to End UPDATE
  • End to End PRACK
  • Enable Default Procedures
  • Enable Dial String Handling
  • No Port Number 5060
  • P-Called-Party-Id-Support
  • Restrict History Info Header
  • Store P-Charging Vector
  • Store Service-Route Header
  • Validate Access Nw Info Header

PSX IPSP-Common Ip Attributes

Relay Flags

The following "Relay Flags" must be enabled under "Ip Signaling profile":

  • Dialog Event Package
  • Info
  • Options
  • Select Reject the REFER request if no match is found from Refer To Header Relay option.

PSX IPSP-Common Ip Attributes-Relay Flags

Transparency Flags

The following "Transparency Flag" must be enabled:

  • Pass Complete Contact-Header

PSX IPSP-Transparency Flags

Egress Ip Attributes

  • Select SIP Only from IP Protocol Type.
  • Select BCI Interwork Encountered from BCI option.
  • Select Use IP Signaling Peer Domain In R-URI from Domain Name option.
  • Select Include npdi from NPDI Options (under Number Portability Attributes option).
  • Select P-Asserted-ID from Privacy Information (under Privacy option).
  • Select Include Privacy from Flags (under Privacy).
  • Select Do Not Include Tel URI In PAI Header from Flags (under Privacy option).
  • Select Merge Received Contacts with Existing Contacts from Redirect option.
  • Select Include None from Include Charge Information option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Not Send from Session-Expires Refresher option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select None from SIP TO Header Mapping option (under SIP Headers and Parameters).
  • Select Include CPC Information from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Transparency For Destination Trunk Group Parameter from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select End To End Ack from Flags (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Diversion from Call Forwarding (under SIP Headers and Parameters option).
  • Select Retry Without ETS from the Action For ETS 400 Responses With 417 Reason Code drop-down box (under SIP RPH ETS option).
  • Set ETS Default Priority Value as 0  (under SIP RPH ETS).

PSX IPSP Egress Ip Attributes

Ingress Ip Attributes

The following "Ingress Ip Attribute" must be enabled:

  • Map Called Party Category In P-Sig-Info Header

PSx IPSP-Ingress Ip Attributes

Sip Trunk Group

The following profiles/fields must be enabled:

  • Zone Index Profile
  • IP Signaling Profile
  • Feature Control Profile
  • Signaling Profile
  • SIP Domain
  • IP Version Preference
  • Do Not Use For Fallback Bearer Capability (Egress > Flags)
  • IP Peer Supported (Egress > IPTG)
  • Egress IP Signaling Profile (Egress > IPTG)
  • Select Traffic Management Options from Trunk Group Reserved Level 1 and Trunk Group Reserved Level 2.
  • Select Services as Not Screened.