This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


This section lists CLI command syntax to configure common IP attributes for communicating with the peer regardless of call direction.

Common Syntax

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_H323 commonIpAttributes flags
	audioCodecChangeThroughEmptyTcs <disable | enable>
	clearmodeForDataCalls <disable | enable>
	disableConstrainedCapacities <disable | enable>
	includeG729WithG729aWhenOfferPspHasG729a <disable | enable>
	sendEmptyTcs <disable | enable>

Command Parameters

The IP Signaling Profile H.323 Common IP Attributes are as shown below:

IP Signaling Profile H.323 Common IP parameters




Enable flag to perform audio codec change (e.g. G.711 fax fallback) using empty Terminal Capability Set (TCS). When disabled, SBCperforms audio codec change using request mode.

  • disable (default)
  • enable


Set flag to enable the clearmode function for data calls

  • disable (default) – If disabled for the SIP Egress call leg, legacy operation is signaled and payload type is assumed implicit (same on both sides). If disabled for the SIP Ingress call leg, legacy G.711 operation is accepted as well as Clearmode.
  • enable – If enabled for the SIP Egress call leg, Clearmode is sent using dynamic payload type. If enabled for SIP Ingress call leg, only Clearmode data calls are accepted.


Set this flag to present a full TCS to its peer during call setup or media modification. When disabled, SBCpresents only the selected codec in the TCS, and follows up with a full TCS after media establishment.

  • disable (default)
  • enable


Use this flag to control whether the H.323 Service Group includes G.729 along with G.729A in the network offer when the SBCoffer Packet Service Profile has G.729A.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to send empty TCS to the peer to restart the peer’s forward channel in case there is an address update in the direct media case.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Command Example

% show profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_H323 
 ipProtocolType h323; 
 commonIpAttributes { 
 flags { 
 audioCodecChangeThroughEmptyTcs disable; 
 disableConstrainedCapacities disable; 
 includeG729WithG729aWhenOfferPspHasG729a disable; 
 sendEmptyTcs disable; 

  • No labels