This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

A crankback profile consists of a list of call release codes that the SBC uses to determine whether to reroute (or "crankback") a call if the call does not connect successfully to the initial destination. If egress signaling returns a release code that is in the reason code list in the crankback profile, the SBC attempts to reroute the call. If a release code is not in the list, the SBC returns the release code to ingress signaling rather than attempting to reroute the call. 

Users can control which release codes trigger rerouting by adding or removing release codes from the active crankback profile. The SBC provides a default crankback profile (named "default"), the contents of which can be edited. Or, users can create their own crankback profiles. The SBC supports a total of 20 crankback profiles in the system.

For flexibility, crankback profiles are configured at three levels: trunk group, zone, and global. By default, the "default" crankback profile is assigned at the SBC global level, while the trunk group and zone level crankback profile settings are initially empty (" "). Thus in the SBC default configuration, trunk groups and zones inherit the default crankback profile from the global level. However, if a user configures a profile at the trunk group or zone level, the user-specified profile assigned at the most specific level takes precedence.

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