This section lists SIP Common IP Attributes transparency flags details.
Prior to release 7.1, when the To-Header Transparency flag is set, the Request-URI is sent transparently even when the globalization flag of the Number Globalization Profile is enabled. In this case, the To-Header Transparency does not send the called number in the Request-URI locally.
Henceforth, the SBC supports globalizing the Request-URI by enabling globalization for the called number and enabling the To-Header Transparency flag. Thus, the Request-URI called number is not transmitted transparently to the egress leg (To-Header transparency flag will not affect Request-URI globalization). Note that Request-URI globalization is independent of the To-Header Transparency. This functionality applies to all scenarios where To-Header transparency is enabled, such as:
- Redirection scenarios
- Refer scenario
- Interaction with Undo LNP
- Modifying hostname of reqURI
Command Syntax
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags acceptContactHeader <disable | enable> acceptHeader <disable | enable> acceptLanguageHeader <disable | enable> alertInformationHeader <disable | enable> authcodeHeaders <disable | enable> callInfoHeader <disable | enable> contactHeader <disable | enable> errorInfo <disable | enable> externalBody <disable | enable> fromHeader <disable | enable> geolocation <disable | enable> geolocationError <disable | enable> geolocationRouting <disable | enable> historyInfo <disable | enable> maxForwardsHeader <disable | enable> messageExternalBody <disable | enable> mwiBody <disable | enable> pAccessNetworkInfoHeader <disable | enable> pCalledPartyID <disable | enable> pChargingVectorHeader <disable | enable> pEarlyMedia <disable | enable> pVisitedNetworkIDHeader <disable | enable> passCompleteContactHeader <disable | enable> pathHeader <disable | enable> pidfBody <disable | enable> pidfDiffBody <disable | enable> qsigBody <disable | enable> reasonHeader <disable | enable> referredByHeader <disable | enable> requestURI <disable | enable> resourceListBody <disable | enable> resourcePriorityOptionTag <disable | enable> rlmiBody <disable | enable> routeHeader <disable | enable> serverHeader <disable | enable> serviceRouteHeader <disable | enable> simpleFilterBody <disable | enable> sipBody <disable | enable> sipfragBody <disable | enable> toHeader <disable | enable> toneBody <disable | enable> unknownBody <disable | enable> unknownHeader <disable | enable> userAgentHeader <disable | enable> userToUserHeader <disable | enable> viaHeader <disable | enable> warningHeader <disable | enable> watcherInfoBody <disable | enable>
Command Parameters
For a list of SIP headers that cannot be controlled using transparency flags in relay scenarios, refer to IPSP Transparency Flags.
Ribbon recommends using the Transparency Profile to configure transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments, as well as applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.
Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.
Transparency Flags
Parameter | Description |
acceptContactHeader | Set flag to allow P-CSCF to transparently pass the received Accept-Contact Header.
acceptHeader | Use this flag to determine Accept header behavior.
acceptLanguageHeader | Enable to allow Accept-Language Header transparency.
alertInformationHeader | Set this flag to transparently copy the ALERT INFO header from the ingress SIP INVITE method to the egress SIP INVITE message.
authcodeHeaders | Enable this flag to transparently copy the WWW Authentication header for SIP 401/407 response messages or SIP Authorization/Proxy Authorization headers.
NOTE: You must enable |
callInfoHeader | Set flag to transparently pass Call-Info header, if present, in the incoming message.
contactHeader | Set flag to transparently pass the Contact Header Flag in egress leg with respect to the message direction.
errorInfo | Enable this flag to transparently copy the Error-Info header from the ingress leg to the egress leg.
externalBody | Enable to send message/external-body transparently.
fromHeader | Enable this flag to transparently copy the userinfo@host component of the FROM header from the ingress SIP INVITE message to the egress SIP INVITE message.
NOTE: Even when this flag is enabled, the IP port information is not included unless the "Include IP Ports in From and To Headers" flag, elsewhere in this IP Signaling Profile, is also enabled |
geolocation | Set flag to transparently pass Geolocation header, if present, in incoming message.
geolocationError | Set flag to transparently pass Geolocation-Error header, if present, in incoming message.
geolocationRouting | Set flag to transparently pass Geolocation-Routing header, if present, in incoming message.
historyInfo | Controls History-info header transparency in SIP INVITE messages. When enabled, the SBCpasses the History-Info header transparently from the ingress message to the egress message. When disabled, the SBC does not copy the history-info. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
maxForwardsHeader | Enable this flag to decrement the value in Max-Forwards header by 1 for requests traversing through the SBC. By default (disable), the SBC populates the Max-Forwards header with the value configured in maxFwdsDefault (default value is 70).
messageExternalBody | Enable flag to pass Message External Body transparently.
mwiBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the MWI body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to message direction.
pAccessNetworkInfoHeader | Enable flag to transparently pass the p-Access-Network-Info (PANI) header from ingress to egress.
NOTE: Enable this flag when SBC is configured as P-CSCF node. |
| Set flag to transparently pass the P-Called-Party-ID header from ingress to egress call leg.
pChargingVectorHeader | When enabled, the SBC transparently copies the P-Charging-Vector header from the ingress message to the egress message. When disabled, the SBCdoes not copy the header. PCharging- Vector header transparency is supported in INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, MESSAGE, PUBLISH, NOTIFY, REFER, and INFO messages.
pEarlyMedia | Controls P-Early Media header transparency in INVITE or non-100 RESPONSE requests and their responses if they are relayed. When enabled, the SBC transparently copies the P-Early Media header from the incoming message to the outgoing message. When disabled, the PEarly- Media header is not copied to the egress leg. Provision this flag on egress leg with respect to message direction.
pidfBody | Enable to send application/pidf+xml body transparently.
pidfDiffBody | Enable to send application/pidf-diff+xml body transparently.
pVisitedNetworkIDHeader | Enable flag to pass the P-Visited-Network-ID header transparently to the egress leg.
passCompleteContactHeader | Enable flag at egress IPSP (with respect to message direction) to copy the Contact header and its parameters from the ingress message and insert in the egress message.
pathHeader | Enable flag to transparently copy the Path header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
qsigBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the QSIG body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to message direction.
reasonHeader | When enabled, the ingress Reason header value is passed through unchanged.
referredByHeader | When enabled, SBCtransparently copies the Referred-By Header (in INVITE requests/responses) from the incoming message to the outgoing message. When cleared, the Referred-By Header is not copied. Provision this flag on the egress leg (with respect to the message direction).
requestURI | Enable flag to transparently copy the Request URI from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY. Provision this flag on the egress leg (with respect to the message direction).
resourceListBody | Enable to send application/resource-lists+xml body transparently.
resourcePriorityOptionTag | Enable to transparently pass 'resource-priority' option tag received in Require or Supported header of SIP messages.
rlmiBody | Enable to send application/rlmi+xml transparently.
routeHeader | Enable flag to transparently copy the Route header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
serverHeader | Enable to allow Server Header transparency.
serviceRouteHeader | Enable flag to transparently copy the Service-Route header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
simpleFilterBody | Enable to send application/simple-filter+xml content-type transparently.
sipBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the SIP body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE, if relayed. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
sipfragBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the SIPFRAG body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
toHeader | Enable flag to transparently copy the userinfo@host component of the TO header from the ingress SIP INVITE message to the egress SIP INVITE message. When flag is disabled, SBC generates its own TO header.
NOTE: Even when this flag is enabled, the IP port information is not included unless the "Include IP Ports in From and To Headers" flag, elsewhere in this IP Signaling Profile, is also enabled. |
toneBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the Tone body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
unknownBody | Enable flag to transparently copy the Unknown body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
unknownHeader | Enable flag to transparently copy the Unknown header from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
userAgentHeader | Enable to allow User-Agent header transparency.
userToUserHeader | When the ingress INVITE contains the User-to-User header and this transparency flag is enabled, the User-to-User header passes through to the egress.
viaHeader | Use this flag to specify the behavior of VIA header, the source address of the call originator.
warningHeader | Enable to allow Warning Header transparency.
watcherInfoBody | Enable to send application/watcherinfo+xml transparently.
Command Example
From system-level prompt, use following command to view IP signaling profile flags for DEFAULT_SIP profile in table format.
> show table profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency disable; convertInactiveToSendrecv disable; disable2806Compliance disable; disableOptionalRegisterParameters disable; map181Or182MessageTo183 disable; mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader disable; suppressUnregister disable; ttcIsupMapping disable; useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable; useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter disable; validateIsubAddress disable; qosBasedRouting disable;
Call Flow Examples
Call Flow Examples for 'Disable Media Lockdown' Flag
In the following call flow, the Modify Offers (in green) are suppressed if the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled:
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U | -> | SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel | -> | G711U,G729A |
G711U | <- | SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call | <- | G711U |
| Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed and the DSP channel de-allocated. | -> | G711U |
| <- | G711U |
Example 2:
The messages (in green) can be suppressed if the Disable Media Lock Down field is enabled.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U | -> | SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel | -> | G711U,G729A |
G711U | <- | SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call | <- | G711U,G729A |
| Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed and the DSP channel de-allocated. | -> | G711U |
| <- | G711U |
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U | -> | SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A,G726 as transcode options by reserving a DSP channel | -> | G711U,G729A,G726 |
G711U | <- | Transcode G711-G729A call. Egress codec is locked down to G729A | <- | G729A,G726 |
| Receive capabilities of SBC have changed to G729A due to transcode. | -> | G729A |
| <- | G729A |
Example 3:
Scenario in which Disable Media Lockdown field can not suppress the media lock down messages (in green).
The codecs configured at Egress route PSP are G711U, G726, G729A with HRP disabled.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U | -> | SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G726,G729A as transcode options by reserving a DSP channel | -> | G711U,G726,G729A |
G711U | <- | Transcode G711-G726 call. Egress codec is locked down to G726 | <- | G729A,G726 |
| Receive capabilities of SBC have changed to G726 ( i.e. HRP is disabled). Since, the codec selected by SBC is different from Peer’s preferred codec (G729), though the flag DML is enabled SBC sends a Modify Offer to lockdown to G726. | -> | G726 |
| <- | G726 |
Call Flow Examples for 'Minimize relaying of Media Changes From Other Call Leg All' Flag
The re-INVITEs (in green) are suppressed if the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U | -> | SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel | -> | G711U,G729A |
G711U | <- | SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call | <- | G711U |
| Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed; send Modify Offer to Peer to advertise the latest set of capabilities | -> | G711U |
| <- | G711U |
SBC suppresses a Modify Offer from the ingress peer. The offer changes the maxptime from 10 to 20ms. An increase in maxptime can be suppressed – a device that advertises a maxptime of 20ms can also receive 10ms packets.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U 10ms | -> |
| -> | G711U 10ms |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U 20ms) | -> | Suppress the re-INVITE if minimize media is enabled and respond to ingress peer; else forward the re-INVITE to egress | -> | G711U 20ms |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Conversely, irrespective of the state of the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag All field cannot suppress a change of maxptime from 20ms to 10ms.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U 20ms | -> |
| -> | G711U 20ms |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U 10ms) | -> |
| -> | G711U,10ms |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
A change of data-path-mode from sendrecv to sendonly ( HOLD request) can also be suppressable. The rational is that SBC can always ignore the media received from the peer and continue to send it media.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U sendrecv | -> |
| <- | G711U sendrecv |
G711U | <- |
| -> | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly) | -> | Suppress the re-INVITE if minimize media is enabled and respond to ingress peer; else forward the re-INVITE to egress | <- | G711U sendonly |
G711U | <- |
| -> | G711U |
Conversely, SBC irrespective of the state of the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag, cannot suppress a change of data-path-mode from sendonly to sendrecv.
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U sendonly | -> |
| -> | G711U sendonly |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U sendrecv) | -> |
| -> | G711U sendrecv |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Call Flow Examples for 'Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg' Flag
When Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg
flag is enabled, and when Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg
is disabled:
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U,G729A sendrecv | -> |
| -> | G711U,G729A sendrecv |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly) | -> | Suppress the re-INVITE and respond to ingress peer. Discard media received from the egress peer |
G711U | <- |
When the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg
flag is enabled, and when Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg
is enabled:
Ingress Peer |
| SBC |
| Egress Peer |
G711U,G729A sendrecv | -> |
| -> | G711U,G729A sendrecv |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |
Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly) | -> |
| -> | G711U sendonly |
G711U | <- |
| <- | G711U |