IP Access Control list details for this address context.

Command Syntax

> show status addressContext <addressContext_name> ipAccessControlList 

Command Parameters

IP Access Control List Parameters


System default access control list rule and statistics.

  • aclId – The Id of default access control list rule
  • aggPol – Name of aggregate policer
  • protocol – Whether or not there is a protocol match

  • application – Application using the ACL

  • addressContextId – Address Context ID

  • lifGrpId – LIF Group ID

  • sourceIpAddress – Source IP address

  • destinationIpAddress – Destination IP address

  • policingMode – Policing mode

  • bucketSize – Policer bucket size

  • creditRate – Allowed packet fill rate

  • polId – Aggregate policer ID

  • polPriority – Aggregate policer priority level

  • packetAccept – The number of packets accepted by the policer

  • packetDiscard – Number of packets discarded by the policer

  • owner – Owner of this ACL entry (SBC, VM, etc.)
  • <guest Id> – The guest ID of this ACL entry (host, VM1, VM2, etc.)

NOTE: This command currently only displays ACL rules owned by the host SBC application. VM guest rules are excluded at this time.


Aggregate Policers rule and statistics.

  • aggPolName – Name of aggregate policer
  • polId – Aggregate policer ID
  • policingType – Policing type
  • zoneId – Zone Id to which the aggregate policer belongs to
  • policingMode – Policing mode (packets per second
  • bucketSize – Policer bucket size
  • creditRate – Allowed packet rate
  • packetAccept –The number of packets accepted by the policer
  • packetDiscard – Number of packets discarded by the policer
 ipAclOverallStatisticsThe IP access control list statistics.
  • matchedNoRule – Number of times no rule matched.

The IP access control list rule statistics.

  • matches – The number of times this rule matched.
  • policerDiscards – The number of times the policer for this rule discarded packets.
  • ipAclRulesByPrecedence – The IP access control list rules by precedence.


The table of user configured IP Access Control List rules.



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