
Terraform Modules

Terraform modules are provided for easy integration into any Terraform environment.

For RAF, LCM Terraform modules are packaged in a .TAR file with supporting documentation (README files).

Terraform Modules Environment

The following is an outline of the top-level Terraform modules tarball:


The first file you should review in the tarball is the README.md file.

  • <application_name>-V<application_version>-<provider>_terraform_modules.tar.gz
    •  diagrams
      • RAF-Overview.png
    • help
      • automation_scripts
        • README.setup.md
    • infrastructure-automation
      • <provider>
    • life-cycle-automation
      • common
      • <application_name>
        • instantiate-terminate
        • upgrade-rollback
    • pkginfo
    • README.md
    • requirements.txt
    • setup.py
    • system_requirements

The following is an example outline of the top-level Terraform modules tarball:

  • sbc-V10.01.00A001-aws_terraform_modules.tar.gz
    • diagrams
      • RAF-Overview.png
    • help
      • automation_scripts
        • README.setup.md
    • infrastructure-automation
      • aws
    • life-cycle-automation
      • common
      • sbc
        • instantiate-terminate
        • upgrade-rollback
    • pkginfo
    • README.md
    • requirements.txt
    • setup.py
    • system_requirements

Ansible Playbooks

Ansible playbooks are provided for easy integration into any Ansible environment.

For RAF, LCM Ansible playbooks are packaged in a .TAR file with supporting documentation (README files).

Ansible Playbooks Environment

The following is an outline of the top-level Ansible playbooks tarball:


The first file you should review in the tarball is the README.md file.

  • <application_name>-V<application_version>-<provider>_ansible_playbooks.tar.gz
    • diagrams
      • RAF-Overview.png
    • help
      • automation_scripts
        • README.setup.md
    • infrastructure-automation
      • <provider>
    • life-cycle-automation
      • common
      • <application_name>
        • instantiate-terminate
        • upgrade-rollback
    • pkginfo
    • README.md
    • requirements.txt
    • setup.py
    • system_requirements

The following is an example outline of the top-level Ansible playbooks tarball:

  • sbc-V10.01.00A001-kvm_ansible_playbooks.tar.gz
    • diagrams
      • RAF-Overview.png
    • help
      • automation_scripts
        • README.setup.md
    • infrastructure-automation
      • kvm
    • life-cycle-automation
      • common
      • sbc
        • instantiate-terminate
        • upgrade-rollback
    • pkginfo
    • README.md
    • requirements.txt
    • setup.py
    • system_requirements


Software Bundle

The following table contains the list of required files.

File Names



Extract the Terraform Modules' or Ansible Playbooks' Tarball

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