DO NOT convert a codec entry from one type to another (e.g., AMR to G711). Each codec type includes many configuration options, which are not automatically reset when swapping between codecs. This can result in unexpected processing on the SBC and potential call failures. Thus, the best practice is to start with a new codec entry when a new codec is required.
In this section:
Use the Codec Entry window to define entries for audio encoding methods (codecs) and their associated attributes for use when configuring codecs in a Packet Service Profile. Refer to Packet Service Profile - Codec. A set of default codec entries is provided. You can add custom codec entries which are then available to include when configuring codecs in a Packet Service Profile. When you add a codec entry the parameters available change, depending on the base codec you select.
In addition to the options set on this window, more options can be set or edited for a codec entry using windows that appear below the Codec Entry window in the navigation hierarchy. Refer to the following pages for more information on additional codec entry options.
To View the Codec Entry List
On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Call Routing > Entry or
Configuration > Profile Management > Media Profiles > Codec Entry or
All > Profiles > Media > Codec Entry
The Codec Entry window opens with the default codecs listed along with any custom codec entries that have been added.
Codec Entry Window
To Create a Codec Entry
To create a new Codec Entry:
Click New Codec Entry. The Create New Codec Entry window opens.
Create New Codec Entry Window
- Use the following table to configure the attributes for the Codec Entry. Depending on your choice in the Codec list, different attributes are available.
- Click Save to create the Codec Entry.
Codec Entry Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name you want to assign to the Codec Entry. This name appears in the list of codec options when you configure a Packet Service Profile. |
Codec | Select the Codec from the drop-down list (refer to Audio Codecs for additional information on supported codecs):
<codec>Coding Rate | Specifies the coding rate for the codec entry, in Kbps. Codecs for which this option can be configured:
Packet Size Generic Codecs | Specifies the packet size in milliseconds (ms). Options vary based on the type of codec chosen. Codecs for which this option can be configured: |
Packet Size <codec> | Specifies the packet size in milliseconds (ms). Options vary based on the type of codec chosen. Codecs for which this option can be configured:
Active Codec Set | The active code set is applicable to certain AMR narrow-band codecs. By default all options are selected. The options are are:
Mode Set | The mode set is applicable to AMR wide-band codecs. By default all options are selected. The options are are:
Fec Redundancy | Sets the level for Forward-Error-Correction (FEC) redundancy [AMR only]. The default value of 0 means FEC redundancy is disabled. Options are 0, 1, or 2. |
Static Preferred Rtp Payload Type | Specifies the preferred static RTP payload type. The value ranges from 0 to 128 and the default value is 128. |
Dynamic Preferred Rtp Payload Type | Specifies the preferred dynamic RTP payload type. The value ranges from 0 to 127 and the default value is 96. |
Max Interleave Depth | This parameter specifies the amount of interleaving an endpoint can deal with. The value ranges from 0 to 7 and the default value is 0. This option appears only when the codec selected is evrc or evrcb and when Packet Size is set to 40 or 60. Note: Interleaving only applies to EVRC and EVRCB calls. |
Mode Change Neighbor | Enable this option to force a mode change to neighboring modes in the active codec set as per RFC4867 (applies to AMR and AMRWB codecs).
Initial Codec Mode | Use this option to determine the initial codec mode of an AMR/AMR-WB transcoded call once the call is established. This option applies to codec entries using amrBandwidthEfficient, amrOctetAligned, amrwbBandwidthEfficient, or amrwbOctetAligned codecs.
Law | Specifies the G711 law to use, values are:
Note: Do not use Derive From Other Leg when configuring H.323 or SIP trunk groups to use INVITEs with no SDP. |
Send Sid | Use this option to enable or disable sending silence insertion descriptor (SID) packets. |
Max Average Bit Rate | The maximum Opus bit rate (in bits/second) used for the current session. The value ranges from 6000 to 510000 and the default value is 20000. |
Use Cbr | Use this parameter to specify variable or constant bit rate. Applies to Opus only.
Use Fec | Use this parameter to specify whether or not to use Forward Error Correction (FEC). Applies to Opus only.
Use Dtx | Use this parameter to specify whether or not to use Discontinuous Transmission (DTX).
Min Bit Rate | Specifies the minimum bit rate for the EVS codec. Default is 5.9 and the supported values are 5.9, 7.2, 8, 9.6, 13.2, 16.4, 24.4, 32, 48, 64, 96, or 128 Kbps. This value must be less than or equal to Max Bit Rate. |
Max Bit Rate | Specifies the maximum bit rate for the EVS codec. Default is 128 and the supported values are 5.9, 7.2, 8, 9.6, 13.2, 16.4, 24.4, 32, 48, 64, 96, or 128 Kbps. This value must be greater than or equal to Min Bit Rate. |
Use Silk DTX | Specifies whether to use Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) for a Silk codec.
Max Average Bit Rate Silk8|Silk12|Silk16|Silk24 | Specifies the maximum average bit rate (in bits/sec) for a Silk codec. Options are: Silk8 (default 20000, range 6000 - 20000) |
To Edit a Codec Entry
To edit a Codec Entry:
- Click the radio button next to the name of the Codec Entry you want to edit. The Edit Selected Codec Entry window opens.
Make the required changes and click Save.
Ribbon recommends against editing the default codec entries. Edit only user-defined codecs.
To Copy a Codec Entry
To copy a Codec Entry and make changes to the copy:
Click the radio button next to the name of the Codec Entry you want to copy.
- Click Copy Codec Entry. The Copy Selected Codec Entry window opens.
- Make the required changes and click Save.
To Delete a Codec Entry
To delete a Codec Entry:
- Click the radio button next to the name of the Codec Entry you want to delete.
- Click the delete icon (X) at the end of the row.
- Confirm the deletion when prompted.
Ribbon recommends against deleting the default codec entries.