In the EMA, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > (Category: Trunk Provisioning) > IP Signaling Profile > Ingress IP Attributes > Access Transfer Profile.

The window Access Transfer Profile appears.

Access Transfer Profile window


From the drop-down menu IP SIgnaling Profile, select an appropriate IP Signaling Profile.

IP Signaling Profile dropdown menu

The selected IP Signaling Profile must have its parameter IP Protocol Type set to SIP Only or SIP I.

Ingress IP Attribute does not support Access Transfer Profile, if for the chosen IP Signaling Profile, the value of the parameter IP Protocol Type is set to H323. For example, an IP Signaling Profile named DEFAULT_H323 has its parameter IP Protocol Type set to H323. In such case, Ingress IP Attribute does not support Access Transfer Profile.

Access Transfer Profile not supported



The frame Edit Access Transfer Profile appears.

Edit Access Transfer Profile window


Within the frame, there is a drop-down menu Atprofile. Select the appropriate Atprofile from the drop-down list available.

Atprofile dropdown list


After selection of the Atprofile from the drop-down list, the complete frame Edit Access Transfer Profile appears.

Complete frame Edit Access Transfer profile


Click Save to save the changes made. Click Undo Edits to cancel all modifications made since the last saved configuration.

On saving successfully, the Success message appears.

Success message

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