Use the  Egress Flags window to configure controls that apply to the egress Trunk Group.

To View and Edit Egress Flags

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Signaling Profiles > Signaling Profile > Egress > Egress Flags or
All > Profiles > Signaling > Signaling Profile > Egress > Egress Flags

Select the Signaling Profile to configure from the drop-down list. The Egress Flags window is displayed.

Signaling Profile - Egress - Egress Flags

Use the following table to configure the options and then click Save.

Signaling Profile - Egress - Egress Flags

Parameter Description
Add Prefix011For International CallsWhen this option is enabled it allows the addition of the prefix 011 for international calls.
Add Prefix1For Inter Lata CallsWhen this option is enabled it allows the addition of the prefix "1" for Inter LATA calls.
Add Prefix1For Intra Lata CallsWhen this option is enabled it allows the addition of the prefix "1" for Intra LATA calls.
Annex ESupportWhen this option is enabled Annex E is supported
Apply Switch Type Cpc ProfileWhen this option is enabled it enables the CPC/OLI Parameter Mapping feature on the associated Trunk Group(s).
Call Back When Free SupportWhen this option is enabled it enables the Call Back When Free feature on the associated Trunk Group(s). The PSX includes the Call Back When Free attribute in the route structure when the Trunk Group is included in the route list.
Called Number7DigitsWhen this option is enabled the 7-digit called number is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol.
Calling Number7DigitsWhen this option is enabled the 7-digit calling number is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol.
Change Bearer Cap From3_1KHz To SpeechWhen this option is enabled the bearer capability of 3.1 kHz received from the ingress is reset to speech for this outgoing Trunk Group.
Convert Numbers To E164FormatWhen this option is enabled, numbers are converted to E.164 format.
Cpc MappingWhen this option is enabled, it enables CPC mapping on the associated Trunk Group(s).
Dialed Number As Called NumberWhen this option is enabled, the PSX populates the called number (associated with a returned route) with the dialed number.
Disable Charging Authority For Chosen CarrierWhen this option is enabled, the SBC does not delete the ISUP parameters from the ACM and CPG messages, and it allows the CHG message to transit when it is acting as the chosen carrier.
Discard Calling And Contract NumbersWhen this option is enabled, the SBC will not include the calling and contractor numbers in egress signaling when the calling number NOA is Network Specific and the first digit of the calling number is not 0, or the calling number screening is set to User Provided, Verified, and Failed.
Discard GAPAddl Clg If Same As Clg Number And Ingress SIPWhen this option is enabled, for SIP-to-ISUP calls, the SBC does not include the GAP additional calling number in the egress signaling if it is the same as the original calling number.
Discard Tns And Trunkgroup Owning Carrier MatchWhen this option is enabled it causes the TNS parameter to be discarded when it matches the Owning Carrier assigned to the egress trunk group.
Dont Strip Clg Number For Restricted PresentationWhen this option is enabled the PSX does not strip (delete) the digits of the calling number for restricted presentation.
Forced Override Olip ValueWhen this option is enabled and there is a value other than none in the Forced OLIP Value field in the ingress section of the trunk group to which this signaling profile is applied, the value in that field is copied to the OLI parameter on the egress trunk and sent in the PSX policy response.
Generate Fe ParamWhen this option is enabled it specifies to generate the FE parameter.
Oli MappingWhen this option is enabled it enables OLI Parameter mapping on the associated trunk group(s).
Overwrite Charge Information If Chosen IXCWhen this option is enabled, the SBC will modify parameters related to charge indication if the value of the Carrier Type parameter determined by the PSX is Chosen IXC.
Perform Called Party Member CheckWhen this option is enabled, the PSX checks the called party member status in the subscriber table for the JTI prefix.
Propagate Charge MessageWhen this option is enabled, the PSX propagates the CRG messages received on the associated egress trunk group from succeeding exchanges to the originating exchange for billing purposes. 
Propagate Gd ParamThis option controls the propagation of the Generic Digits parameter (switch ID/trunk group ID) in the forward direction in the egress IAM.
Propagate Ingress Channel InfoWhen this option is enabled, it propagates ingress PSTN channel information in the INVITE header sent by a GSX to this SIP Server (via the "chan" parameter in the From: field).
Reorder Trunk Based On ISUP PreferenceWhen this option is enabled, the PSX orders route lists appropriately for calls over ISUP trunks that terminate to a protocol converter for R2 signaling.
Replace Prefix0With Plus81For Translation Source NumberWhen this option is enabled and the Translation Source Number has the prefix 0, PSX replaces the prefix 0 with +81. The SBC uses this number for SIP signaling. The Translation Source Number without the +81 is recorded in the CDRs.
Reroute On Signaling CongestionWhen this option is enabled, calls on the associated trunk group are rerouted to an alternate route.
Reset Olip For Toll Free CallsWhen this option is enabled, the GSX resets the OLIP for toll free calls to the pay phone code.
Restore Calling Number If Derived From Billing NumberWhen this option is enabled, the calling number that came in the policy request is sent in the policy response.
Restore Calling Number If Derived From Redirecting NumberWhen this option is enabled, the SBC does not delete the ISUP parameters from the ACM and CPG messages, and it allows the CHG message to transit when it is acting as the chosen carrier.
Restore Calling Number If Derived From Trunk GrpWhen this option is enabled and if the PSX derives the calling number from the default calling number associated with the ingress Trunk Group during call processing, the original calling number is restored before the call is sent out on the egress Trunk Group.
Restore Fci International BitWhen this option is enabled, the PSX copies the incoming FCI A-bit to the outgoing FCI A-bit.
Send Billing Number As Clg NumberWhen this option is enabled, the PSX populates the contents of the billing number over to the calling party parameter.
Send Billing Number As Clg Number If Clg Number Not PresentWhen this option is enabled and if the calling number doesn't exist or the calling number presentation is set to Restricted, the PSX populates the calling number field in the policy response with the billing number.
Send Calling Number When Not Derived From InputWhen this option is enabled and if the calling number doesn't exist or the calling number presentation is set to Restricted, the PSX populates the calling number field in the policy response with the billing number.
Send Contract Number If Allowed By Ingress SIPWhen this option is enabled and the ingress signaling is SIP, the Contractor Number, if it exists, will be sent in the egress signaling.
Send Toll Free Number In Gap ParamWhen this option is enabled, the toll free number will be sent in the Generic Address Parameter (GAP).
Send Toll Free Number In Ocn ParamWhen this option is enabled, the toll free number will be sent in the Original Called Number (OCN) parameter.
Strip Rep Area Code DigitsWhen this option is enabled, RAC digits are removed from the called party number.
Transit All Redirection Number NOAWhen this option is enabled, the PSX informs the SBC to forward the R-REL transparently to the previous switch regardless of the Nature Of Addresses.
Undo LnpWhen this option is enabled, the SBC undoes LNP on the associated Trunk Group(s).
Use Output ANIFor CDNISWhen this option is enabled, the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) to be included in the egress signaling will be used for the ANI provisioned in the Custom DNIS DM rule on the associated egress Trunk Group.

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