In this section:
The Ribbon WebRTC Gateway (WRTC) is a new technology that enables web browsers to participate in audio, video, and data communications, without any kind of additional plug-ins or application downloads. Using a WRTC enabled browser user can place a call, participate in multi-party video and audio conferencing, and engage in screen sharing collaboration. The Ribbon Web Service Solution bridges the web and SIP worlds to facilitate the integration of communications (voice, video, and data) in applications.
The Ribbon SBC is a component of the Ribbon Web Service Solution. The SBC provides media service functionality when WRTC endpoints are behind a NAT.
The SBC acts as a WRTC to SIP media gateway. It enables WRTC users to communicate to any back-end SIP system and PSTN. The SBC also provides routing, security, transcoding, and interworking. It supports the following functionalities:
Relays and monitors the media streams.
Inter-works WRTC media DTLS/SRTP to traditional RTP/UDP.
Relays or transcodes opus to G7xx voice codecs.
Relays VP8/VP9, and H.264 video codecs.
Supports ICE and STUN procedures for NAT traversal.
Deployment Scenarios
WRTC Enabled Device to SIP Call (SBC in Data Center)
The WRTC enabled device employs the ICE procedures and connects to the SBC on a public address. The SBC acts as an ICE agent to support the WRTC enabled device to punch the pinholes in the NAT for media exchange with the SBC. This can work with any Firewall in front of the WRTC enabled device that can support opening NAT Pinholes for the UDP traffic. The NAT can be Full-Cone, restricted, or symmetric NAT.
Browser to SIP call
WRTC Enabled Device to SBC Through TURN Server
In this case, media is exchanged between the WRTC enabled device and the SBC. The ICE mechanism is used to negotiate a relay address for the firewalls in front of the WRTC enabled device to use for media exchange over TCP or http ports. A TURN relay is used with media path to convert RTP/TCP to RTP/UDP towards SBC.
Browser to SBC through TURN server
Call Flows
Basic call (Full ICE to No ICE)
Basic Call between UE supporting ICE and no ICE
- M11 - RTP Sever Reflexive candidate
- M12 - RTP Host candidate
- M11C - RTCP Sever Reflexive candidate
- M12C - RTCP Host candidate
Mid Call ICE Restart
Mid call ICE restart
Configuring WRTC includes:
Configuring ICE
When natTraversal
is set for iceSupport
, it is recommended that both mediaNat
or secureMediaNatPrefix
are not configured.
To configure ICE for a WRTC call:
SIP Trunk Group Configuration
The ICE capability is enabled on the trunk group towards the WRTC endpoints:
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC services natTraversal iceSupport iceFull
- SBC uses
to support faster completion on the ICE exchange as the two end points locks down on the first accessible connection path attempted. - SBC uses
to allow selection of the optimum connection path, for example, Host vs TURN address.
Configuring Relay SDP Parameters
The sdpAttributesSelectiveRelay
control must be enabled to support WSX-SBC-WSX call scenarios.
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC media sdpAttributesSelectiveRelay enabled commit
SDP Method for Multiple IP Version
To configure the SDP method, ICE support must be enabled first.
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC media mediaAddrType iPv4andiPv6 ice <offerPreference | answerPreference> set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC media mediaAddrType iPv4andiPv6 ice offerPreference <ipv4 | ipv6 | matchSigAddrType> set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC media mediaAddrType iPv4andiPv6 ice answerPreference <honorRecvPrec | ipv4 | ipv6 | matchSigAddrType>
For detailed information on iPv4 and iPv6 CLI changes, refer to SIP Trunk Group - Media - CLI.
Policing Logic for STUN Packets
When policing is enabled, SBC uses the following prefix lengths to screen the packets that are received from the network. IP addresses that match are allowed to be processed at a higher frequency than IP addresses that do not match.
- RTP IPV6 Host Address - Hard-coded 128 bit prefix
- RTP IPV4 TURN Address - Hard-coded 32 bit prefix
- RTP IPV6 TURN address - Hard-coded 128 bit prefix
- RTP IPV4 Server Reflexive address - Prefix based on the provisioned length
If policing is disabled, all the packets are treated at the lower frequency of processing and can be dropped if there is an excessive amount of traffic received.
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC services natTraversal iceSourceAddressFilterPriority <serverReflexivePrefixLength | state> set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC services natTraversal iceSourceAddressFilterPriority serverReflexivePrefixLength <0..32> set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC services natTraversal iceSourceAddressFilterPriority state <enabled | disabled>
The aggregate policer screen shows information about the number of STUN packet accepts and discards that have occurred for a given address context. The command for aggregate policer is :
show table addressContext default ipAccessControlList getAggrPolicers POL POLICING ZONE POLICING PACKET PACKET AGG POL ID TYPE ID MODE BUCKET SIZE CREDIT RATE ACCEPT DISCARD NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Link - DataRate 300000 byte 62500000 byte/s 0 0 LINK_pkt0 1 Link - DataRate 300000 byte 62500000 byte/s 0 0 LINK_pkt1 4 StunDtls - PktRate 100 pkt 10000 pkt/s 0 0 STUN 5 StunDtls - PktRate 100 pkt 10000 pkt/s 0 0 DTLS
Configuring DTLS-SRTP
If the latest developer version of "Firefox" is used, additional configuration is required to correct the following error:
091 09042015 115022.824913: .DTLS_SRTP: *DTLS Error no shared cipher
Enter the following command to correct the error:config set profiles security dtlsProfile defaultDtlsProfile cipherSuite2 tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_cbc_sha commit
- The DTLS-SRTP and SCTP relay controls must be enabled on the Packet Service Profile for the end-to-end DTLS handshake for WSX-SBC-WSX call flows.
- Using the Default DTLS Profile
- Creating Default DTLS Certificate
- Creating the DTLS Profile
- Attaching the DTLS Profile to Trunk Group
- Creating Crypto Suite Profile
- Attaching the Crypto Suite Profile to the Packet Service Profile
- Enabling the DTLS Crypto Suite Profile Parameters
- Enabling the DTLS SRTP and DTLS SCTP Relay Flags in Packet Service Profile
- Attaching the Packet Service Profile to the Sip Trunk Group
- Licensing
Using the Default DTLS Profile
The default DTLS profile is already present when the system is up and can be used to run WRTC calls.
show profiles security dtlsProfile defaultDtlsProfile handshakeTimer 60; sessionResumpTimer 300; cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha; dtlsRole server; hashType sha1; CertName defaultDtlsSBCCert; cookieExchange enabled; v1_0 enabled; v1_1 disabled; v1_2 disabled; [ok]
- In this example, the call setup time to establish a SIP call from a mobile phone may be longer, so the DTLS
is set to 60 seconds. - For special configuration requirement in the DTLS profile, the default DTLS profile can be modified or a a new DTLS profile can be created. For details, refer to the section Creating the DTLS Profile.
Creating the Default DTLS Certificate
In case of an upgrade, if the certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert
is not present by default, it must be created and enabled before adding it to the DTLS profile.
To check the availability of the certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert
, enter the following command:
show configuration system security pki certificate certificate defaultSBCCert { state enabled; fileName sonuscert.p12; passPhrase $7$D9bBhC0fE+n89v5kimypN4dl1KCGAwRj; type local; } certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert { state enabled; fileName defaultDtlsCert.p12; passPhrase $7$D9bBhC0fE+n89v5kimypN4dl1KCGAwRj; type local; } [ok]
To create and enable the certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert
, enter the following command:
set system security pki certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert fileName defaultDtlsCert.p12 type local passPhrase gsx9000 state enabled Commit
The file defaultDtlsCert.p12
must be present while creating the certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert.
Creating the DTLS Profile
set profiles security dtlsProfile d1 CertName defaultDtlsSBCCert cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha cipherSuite2 nosuite cipherSuite3 nosuite cookieExchange enabled dtlsRole server handshakeTimer 5 hashType sha1 sessionResumpTimer 300 v1_0 enabled v1_1 disabled v1_2 disabled
Attaching the DTLS Profile to Trunk Group
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC media dtlsProfileName d1
Creating Crypto Suite Profile
set profiles security cryptoSuiteProfile cp1 entry 1 cryptoSuite AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1-80
On PSX/external PSX
Creating Crypto Suite Profile
Attaching the Crypto Suite Profile to the Packet Service Profile
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile cp1
On PSX/external PSX
Attaching Crypto Suite Profile to Packet Service Profile
Enabling the DTLS Crypto Suite Profile Parameters
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile cp1 dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback enable enableDtlsSrtp enable
The allowDtlsFallback
parameter enables a fall back to standard RTP when corresponding leg does not have DTLS-SRTP support. If this parameter is disabled, SBC does not allow any other call other than DTLS-SRTP on that leg.
Enabling the DTLS SRTP and DTLS SCTP Relay Flags in Packet Service Profile
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay enable dtlsSctpRelay enable
Attaching the Packet Service Profile to the Sip Trunk Group
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC policy media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC
The Packet Service Profile can be attached either to the ingress or the egress Sip Trunk Group between WRTC and SBC.
The SRTP license must be enabled for DTLS support.
The license can be seen by executing the following command:
Navigate to All > License > Bundle
SRTP License
Supporting Opus Codec
The newer versions of Chrome browser always offer support for Opus codec when creating WRTC calls. This behavior is not supported by default on the SBC and therefore, SBC removes the codec lines that it understands. However, there are some codec lines, which SBC relays as unrecognized and causes a mismatch of codec information in the SDP and the chrome browser being used for WRTC calls rejects the SDP.
There are two options to resolve this issue:
- Enabling the opus codec in External PSX or ERE
- Applying SMM Rules to Remove the Unrecognized Codec Lines
Enabling the Opus Codec in External PSX or ERE
- Creating the Codec Entry in External PSX
- Attaching the Codec Entry to the Packet Service Profile in External PSX
or - Creating Codec Entry in ERE
- Attaching Codec Entry to PSP in ERE
Creating the Codec Entry in External PSX
Codec Entry
Attaching the Codec Entry to the Packet Service Profile in External PSX
Attaching the Codec Entry to PSP
Creating Codec Entry in ERE
set profiles media codecEntry OPUS-Default codec opus packetSize 20 preferredRtpPayloadType 111 fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment none
Attaching Codec Entry to PSP in ERE
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC codec codecEntry12 OPUS-Default
Applying SMM Rules to Remove the Unrecognized Codec Lines
To remove the the unrecognized codec lines, refer to the section Defining SMM Rules.
Defining SMM Rules
As SBC does not support SAVPF, the following SMM rule is applied for inter-working with WRTC endpoints:
#### To replace RTP/SAVP to RTP/SAVPF #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 type message message messageTypes all condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 regexp string "RTP/SAVP" matchInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 from type value value "RTP/SAVPF" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 to type messageBody messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE state enable commit #### To replace actpass to active #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes request all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message statusCode 200 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 from value "a=setup:actpass\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp string "a=setup:active\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance all commit #### To remove the unrecognized codec lines #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 type message message messageTypes all condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 operation regdel set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 regexp string "a=rtcp-fb.*?\r\n" matchInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 to type messageBody messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OUT_SMM_RULE state enable commit #### To delete ssrc attribute from the incoming message #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 1 message statusCode 200 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 operation regdel set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 regexp string "a=ssrc:.*?\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 1 action 1 regexp matchInstance all commit #### To delete extmap attribute from the incoming message #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 1 message statusCode 200 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 operation regdel set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp string "a=extmap:.*?\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance all commit #### To delete msid-semantic attribute from the incoming message #### set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 1 message statusCode 200 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 2 messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 operation regdel set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 regexp string "a=msid-semantic:.*?\r\n" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE rule 3 action 1 regexp matchInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IN_SMM_RULE state enable commit
These SMM profile is assigned to the Trunk Group towards the WRTC.
Assigning SMM Profiles to Trunk Group
The SMM profile is applied to the Trunk Group as shown below:
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile IN_SMM_RULE outputAdapterProfile OUT_SMM_RULE commit
Other Configuration
set addressContext default zone ZONE_WRTC sipTrunkGroup TG_SIPART_WRTC services natTraversal mediaNat disabled set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC rtcpOptions rtcp enable
, execute the following command:set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_WRTC rtcpOptions rtcpMux enable
The STUN handling for media NAT and ICE are mutually exclusive. Therefore, mediaNAT
is disabled when ICE is used.
For DTLS, an association is created for both RTP and RTCP. The RTCP control must be enabled for RTCP packets to flow.
- For routing related information, refer to the section Category - Call Routing.
- For configuring video call, refer to the section Configuring SIP-SIP Video.
- For more information on WRTC configuration, refer to the WRTC Documentation.
Viewing the Call Detail Status
To view the call detail status for an ICE enabled WRTC call:
show status global callDetailStatus callDetailStatus 44 { mediaStreams audio; state Stable; callingNumber 33002; calledNumber 8095300530; addressTransPerformed none; origCalledNum ""; scenarioType SIP_TO_SIP; callDuration 4; mediaType passthru; associatedGcid1 44; associatedGcid2 44; associatedGcidLegId1 1; associatedGcidLegId2 0; ingressSessionBandwidthkbps 76; egressSessionBandwidthkbps 72; ingressRemoteIpSockAddr; ingressRemotePort 5080; egressRemoteIpSockAddr; egressRemotePort 5060; ingressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr " 1538 (rtcp: 1539)"; ingressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr " 63185 (rtcp: 63186)"; egressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr " 1528 (rtcp: 1529)"; egressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr " 60526 (rtcp: 60527)"; ingressMediaStream1Security rtp-Encrypted,rtp-auth,srtp-terminated,rtcp-encrypted,rtcp-auth,crypto-aescm,hmacsha180; egressMediaStream1Security rtp-disabled,rtcp-disabled; ingressMediaStream1Bandwidth 76; egressMediaStream1Bandwidth 72; ingressMediaStream1IceState ST_ICE_COMPLETE; egressMediaStream1IceState NONE; ingressDtlsStream1 TERMINATED; egressDtlsStream1 DISABLED; iceCallTypes ing-lcl-FULL-ICE,ing-rmt-FULL-ICE,eg-lcl-NONE,eg-rmt-NONE; ingressACName a1; ingressZoneName INTERNAL; ingressTrunkName ING_Coper_MaleSwe1; egressACName a1; egressZoneName EXTERNAL; egressTrunkName MALESWE1_EGR; }
Successful DTLS handshake packet capture:
DTLS Packet Capture