In this section:
The SBC 5110 and SBC 5210 hardware platforms are no longer supported beginning with the 10.0.0R0 release. This release supports SBC 5400/7000/SWe platforms. Contact Ribbon Sales for upgrade information.
SBC 5400 and SBC 7000 Interfaces
The basic media Ethernet ports structure for the SBC 5400 and SBC 7000 series systems is shown below.
SBC 5400 Interfaces
The SBC 5400 includes four Ethernet ports serviced by processor 1 as shown below. Processor 1 services Pkt0, Pkt1, Pkt2, and Pkt3 when configured in 4 x1 Gb interface mode, or it services Pkt0 and Pkt1 if configured in either 2x10 or 2x1 GB mode. Refer to SBC 5400 Media Ports and Operational Modes for more information on the different modes.
SBC 5400 Interface Group Diagram
SBC 7000 Interfaces
The SBC 7000 contains two active/standby Ethernet port pairs (Pkt 0 and Pkt 1) serviced by processors 1 and 2 as shown below.
SBC 7000 Interface Group Diagram
Configuring IP Interface Groups
Previous Behavior
Prior to release 4.2.0, creating IP Interface Groups that were not "processor friendly" was completely disallowed. IP interfaces carried on a physical Ethernet port served by processor 1 could not be combined in an IP Interface Group with IP interfaces carried on a physical Ethernet port served by processor 2.
The SBC 7000 is enhanced to ease some restrictions on which IP Interfaces may coexist in an IP Interface Group.
Feature Functionality From 4.2 Onwards
The previous restrictions are relaxed in certain cases beginning with release 4.2. The user may now create IP Interface Groups containing sets of IP interfaces that are not "processor friendly" (i.e. carried on physical Ethernet ports served by separate processors). However, restrictions exist regarding the usage of such Interface Groups.
The new IP Interface Group membership and usage rules are listed below:
- Each “Application” capable of referencing an interface group is permanently identified as requiring or not requiring processor-friendly groups.
- Applications requiring processor-friendly groups may only have a configuration reference to processor-friendly groups.
- Applications not requiring processor-friendly groups may have a configuration reference to any IP Interface group.
Applications Referencing IP Interface Groups
= required
= not required
Application | IP Interface Group Reference | "Processor-Friendly" |
Signaling Port | ipInterfaceGroupName | |
3GPP IMS access IPsec | ipInterfaceGroupName | |
Trunk Group | mediaIpInterfaceGroupName | |
IP ACL rule | ipInterfaceGroup | |
Other application access control refs |
Using ports 0-1 on one side and 2-3 on the other side in a typical inside/outside deployment avoids ill effects of any potential interface group restrictions.
Using ports 0 on one side and 1 on the other side in a typical inside/outside deployment avoids ill effects of any potential interface group restrictions.
Configuring Media Interfaces
An IP interface group can be heterogeneous to facilitate configuring a media interface group with mixed IP versions. This is useful to support different versions of signaling and media legs in the same call:
- SIP Signaling Port will point to IP Interface group for Signaling
- SIP Trunk group will point to IP Interface group for Media
Configuration Examples
CLI examples for creating interfaces and interface group:
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup INTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF2_200 ceName SonusSBC01A portName pkt2 ipAddress prefix 28 mode outOfService state disabled vlanTag 200 % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup INTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF3_200 ceName SonusSBC01A portName pkt3 ipAddress prefix 28 mode outOfService state disabled vlanTag 200 % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup EXTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF0_300 ceName SonusSBC01A portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 28 mode outOfService state disabled vlanTag 300 % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup EXTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF1_300 ceName SonusSBC01A portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 28 mode outOfService state disabled vlanTag 300 % commit
Enabling media/packet interfaces:
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup INTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF2_200 mode inService state enabled % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup INTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF3_200 mode inService state enabled % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup EXTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF0_300 mode inService state enabled % set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup EXTERNAL_IPIG ipInterface IPIF1_300 mode inService state enabled % commit
Assigning an interface group for media usage:
set addressContext default zone ZONE_EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup TG_SIP_EXTERNAL media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName EXTERNAL_IPIG % commit
Configuration Error Examples
The following example shows the error received when attempting to provision a non-media application on a non-friendly interface group. In this example, "LIG3" is configured with interfaces hosted on different ports that span multiple processors.
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipSigPort 4 state enabled ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 ipInterfaceGroupName LIG3 % commit Aborted: 'addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipSigPort': SIP Signaling port cannot use interface group with interfaces on multiple processors.
The following example shows the error received when attempting to add an interface hosted on a different processor to an existing processor-friendly group. All interfaces in the existing group LIG1 are hosted on the same packet port with SIP signaling ports defined. When an attempt is made to add an interface hosted on another packet port that is serviced by a different processor (i.e making it processor-unfriendly), the operation is disallowed because applications are already using the group.
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 ipInterface LIF1A ceName portName pkt3 ipAddress prefix 16 mode inService state enabled % commit Aborted: 'addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 ipInterface LIF1A': All IP interfaces in a group must be on the same Network Processor when the group is used by non-media application.