Perform the following steps:
- Configuring Tone As Announcement Profile
- Configuring Announcement Based Tone Flag
- Attaching the Tone And Announcement Profile to the SIP Trunk Group
Configuring the Tone Codec Entry
% set profiles media toneCodecEntry g711 codec g711 law ALaw % commi
Configuring Tone As Announcement Profile
% set profiles media toneAsAnnouncementProfile toneType defRing codecType g711u segmentId 20001 % commit
Configuring Announcement Based Tones Flag
The announcementBasedTones
flag must be configured either on the ERE or on the external PSX.
ERE Configuration
% set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile EXAMPLE localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable announcementBasedTones enable % commit
External PSX Configuration
Enabling Announcement Based Flag
Attaching the Tone And Announcement Profile to the SIP Trunk Group
The toneAndAnnouncementProfile
must be attached to TG either on the ERE or on the external PSX.
ERE Configuration:
% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile EXAMPLE packetServiceProfile DEFAULT
External PSX Configuration:
Attaching the Tone And Announcement Profile to the TG
For more information, refer to:
- Tone Codec Entry - CLI
- Tone as Announcement Profile - CLI
- Tone and Announcement Profile - CLI
- Tones and Announcements
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