In this section:
This page describes the various software modules used in the SBC Core system.
Application Modules
Module ID | Name | Description |
ASG | Application Service Group | Provides script handling logic. |
CC | Call Control | Maintains a signaling protocol agnostic representation of overall call. |
DCM | Distributed Connection Manager | It manages the D-SBC traffic and connection status between D-SBC nodes. |
DFE | Distributed FE | Maintains call signaling channels for D-SBC communication between other remote nodes and local subsystem (NRM, NRMA, RRM, and so on.). |
DS | Directory Services | The Directory Services Process is the integration point for both internal (embedded PSX) and external policy-based routing. Its primary responsibility is to terminate the Diameter+ protocol and to convert back and forth between the internal representation of call control information (in the form of CPC structures) and the Diameter+ messages |
GWFE | Gateway Forwarding Engine | The GW FE provides terminations for signaling links between all gateways in a network to support communication between GW SGs. |
GWSG | Gateway to Gateway Service Group | Gateway to Gateway Service Group supports the H.323 based gateway to gateway signaling protocol. |
H323FE | H.323 Front End | The H323FE process provides a H.323 front-end capability. It is responsible for dispatching calls to a target application (H323SG) instance. |
H323SG | H.323 Service Group | Receives H.323 messages from H.323FE and maintains H.323 oriented representation of call leg. This module interacts with Node Resource Management agents to allocate call resources and with call control modules. |
NRM | Node Resource Manager | NRM is a centralized coordinator of system resources and it accomplishes this task via communication with its agents (NRMA) |
NRMA | Node Resource Manager Agent | Responsible for managing the allocation of specific resources needed for a call such as DSPs for transcoding. Locus of the offer-answer state machine. |
RRM | Remote Resource Manager | The Distributed RRM is responsible for location and management of individual media transport resources (XRES) and transcoding resources (DRES) across the distributed M-SBC and T-SBC cluster nodes. |
SIPFE | SIP Front End | The SIPFE process provides a SIP front-end capability. It is responsible for dispatching calls to a target application (SIPSG) instance and for all interactions with the IP transport. |
SIPSG | SIP Service Group | Parses SIP messages and maintains SIP-oriented representation of call leg. This module interacts with Node Resource Management agents to allocate call resources and with call control modules. |
TRM | Trunk Resource Manager | Provides functionality for IP trunk group selection . This module also provides checks for call counts and bandwidth for call admission control. |
Application Support Modules
Module ID | Name | Description |
BRM | Bus/Bandwidth Manager | Bus/Bandwidth Manager is responsible for the allocation and activation of internal SonicBus resources for a call. |
CAM | Call Accounting Model | The Call Accounting Model is responsible for receiving internal messages containing Call Accounting information and for passing this information along to its ultimate destination. |
CPX | Confd Proxy | The CPX task acts as intermediary between Confd API and the underlying application. It is responsible for packaging notifications and for performing validation activities implemented by application call-backs (the reason the process is in the Application domain). |
DNS | Domain Name System | The DnsClient is responsible for resolving names via a DNS query. It interfaces with SIPSG and the SIPS transaction layer, providing support for RFC3263 (Locating SIP servers). |
DRM | DSP Resource Manager | The DSP Resource Manager is responsible for allocating and activating DSP based resources for a call. |
DS | Directory Services Process | The Directory Services Process is the integration point for both internal (embedded PSX) and external policy-based routing. Its primary responsibility is to terminate the Diameter+ protocol and to convert back and forth between the internal representation of call control information (in the form of CPC structures) and the Diameter+ messages. |
IM | Intercept Manager | The Intercept Manager is a component of the Lawful Intercept implementation |
IPM | Policer Statistics Manager | The IPM process is responsible for collecting policer statistics (e.g. policed packets, top 10 offender list) at regular intervals from NP and providing the same information to performance manager when requested. |
LBS | Load Balancing Service | It is used for evenly distributing media requests between nodes in an M-SBC nodes cluster in a distributed SBC deployment. |
NRS | Node Routing Service | This service provides routing services for control and user IP traffic. |
PATHCHECK | PathCheck process | The PathCheck process is responsible for periodically checking connectivity towards configured IP end points via ICMP ping packets. It reports any change in connectivity status to SIP. The SIP ARS (Address Reachability Service) adds the unreachable endpoints to an application-level Black List it maintains. |
PFM | Performance Manager | The PFM task is responsible for gathering periodic performance statistics from applications and maintaining historical performance statistics in the CDB database |
RTM | Redundancy Task Manager | The RTM process acts as a central coordination point for call data mirroring (done on a call-by-call basis as calls stabilize and terminate) and for synchronization (done when a standby card comes on line and assumes a role as a ready-standby). |
XRM | Transport Resource Manager | This task is responsible for management and configuration of the NP layer. This includes the application-level activities involve with monitoring events in support of maintenance of NP-level Dynamic Black Lists. |
Platform Services Modules
Module ID | Name | Description |
CHM | Confd High-Availability Manager | CHM is a glue layer between the CSPS SAF-based middleware and the third party Confd process. It acts as an SAF AMF proxy responding the AMF API and managing the lifetime of the Confd process. |
ENM | Event Manager | The Event Manager is responsible for accepting events and then dispatching the events as appropriate to log files and possibly SNMP traps. The Event manager is also responsible for providing the alarm manager role – to manage knowledge of current active alarms and potentially alarm history. |
FM | Fault Manager | The Fault Manager is responsible for receiving faults signaled via the Event Manager (Events send over ICM) and then dispatching notification as appropriate. |
SM | System Manager | System Manager collects hardware inventory information through openhpi interface, correlates it with configuration data and makes it available through SM agent APIs. Live software upgrade/revert state machine is built into System Manager which co-ordinates the package transfer from remote servers and running LSWU through management interface. System Manager also controls process level core dump settings, handling and imposing user configured space/count limits. |
Policy Modules
Module ID | Description |
LWRESD (Light Weight Resolver Daemon) | The LWRESD process is used for ENUM queries/lookups. |
PES (Policy Execution Server) | The PES Process implements the routing and policy logic. It is essentially a database application with a sophisticated application-level caching mechanism. |
PIPE | Policy Provisioning Entity responsible for provisioning policy data into the PostgreSQL Database. |
REPD (Replication Daemon) | The REPD Process is responsible for managing the replication of data from one instance of the PostgreSQL database to another. |
SCPA (Service Control Point Adaptor) | The SCPA process is responsible for E911 queries to external servers. |
SLWRESD (Sonus Light Weight Resolver Daemon) | The enhanced SLWRESD process is used for ENUM queries/lookups in conjunction with load balancing. |
Database Name | Description |
CDB - ConfD Database | The SBC uses ConfD for:
ConfD provides several northbound interfaces for access to the SBC. The SBC uses the northbound interfaces CLI, Netconf, REST, and SNMP. ConfD provides a single southbound interface to the SBC software. The SBC has southbound interfaces to load configuration, get configuration changes, perform actions, and view status/statistics. On the first startup, or whenever CDB is empty, it will load seeded data from XML files. These files are in /opt/sonus/sbx/tailf/var/confd/cdb. |
Policy DB | The SBC uses PostgreSQL database software as storage for ERE Policy DB. Presently, ERE Policy DB is used to store policy data, SBC statistical data, and EMA data. |