This section describes the following SBC 5400 CRUs:
The SBC 5100, SBC 5110, SBC 5200, and SBC 5210 platforms are no longer supported beginning with the SBC Core 10.0.0R0 release. This release supports SBC 5400/7000/SWe platforms. Contact Ribbon Sales for upgrade information. SBC 5x10/5400/7000 customer replaceable units (CRUs) are classified as either hot swappable, hot pluggable or cold pluggable as defined below. Hot Swappable Behavior: A hot swappable component is installed, removed or replaced without stopping or shutting down the system. The appropriate alarms are raised and automatically cleared by the system during this action. The SBC continues to operate normally if it is the active server, or continues to provide HA protection if it is the standby server. Hot Pluggable Behavior: A hot pluggable component is installed, removed or replaced while the system is in running condition; however, the user must take action to ensure service is not interrupted during the time of the installation, removal or replacement because the SBC stops providing service during this maintenance window. Note that depending upon the removed component or device, the BMC may immediately power down the remaining components. Removing a hot pluggable component must not damage the component or the any other component on the system. Cold Pluggable Behavior: A cold pluggable component is installed, removed or replaced only after the system is powered down and input power removed.Component Replacement Behavior