Use the Service Authorisation Int Stats window to view global statistics for a series of time intervals that report which licensed features are authorized for use on the SBC. A value of 0 indicates the feature license is not available. To set the call-count time interval and the number of statistic sets that are stored, refer to System - Interval Statistics.

To View Service Authorised Int Stats

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Service Authorised Int Stats. The Service Authorisation Int Stats window is displayed.

Service Authorisation Int Stats Window - Partial

Service Authorisation Int Stats


A sequence number for the time interval.

NameSpecifies a dummy key to be added to non-config scalar element container (even when only one row is allowed in the container).
Interval Valid

A value of "True" indicates the time interval was valid.

TimeThe system up-time when the interval statistic was collected.
License ModeDisplays the current licensing mode (nodeLocked/Domain) of the SBC.
Encrypt AuthorisationIf set to "1", the ENCRYPT license is available.
Srtp AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SRTP license is available.
Enhanced Video AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-VIDEO license is available.
Amrnb Leg AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-AMRNB license is available.
Amrwb Leg AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-AMRWB license is available.
Evrc Leg AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-EVRC license is available.
Nice Rec AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-NICEREC license is available.
Mrf Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-MRF-RTU license is available.
SIP Rec AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-SIPREC license is available.
Transcode AuthorisationIf set to "1", the VDSP-RTU license is available.
Pdcs AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-P-DCS-LAES license is available.
Li Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-LI license is available.
Sbc Rtu Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-RTU session license is available.
DSP G722 Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-G722 license is available.
Gmp4x1Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-4X1GMP license is available.
SIP ISessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-SIP-I license is available.
SIP 323Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-SIP323 license is available.
Gmp1x10Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-1X10GMP license is available.
Pol Rtu Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-POL-RTU license is available.
PSX Rtu Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-PSX-RTU license is available.
Capacity License AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-CAPACITY license is available.
E911 Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-POL-E911 license is available.
ENUM Sessions AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SBC-POL-ENUM license is available.
Sw Instance License AuthorisationIf set to "1", the SWE-INSTANCE license is available.
Evs Leg AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-EVS license is available.
Silk Leg AuthorisationIf set to "1", the DSP-SILK license is available.
Media Probe AuthorisationIf set to "1", the MEDIA-PROBE license is available.