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The SBC supports marking a peer connection as down based on the following configurable values:

  • Device Watchdog Timer
  • Device Watchdog Timer Answer Timeout

LSWU is not supported for these parameters.

Device Watchdog Timer

The SBC sends Device Watchdog Requests based on the configured Device Watchdog Timer value. Device Watchdog Timer is started once the transport connection towards a Diameter Peer is established. It is reset whenever any Diameter Message is received from the Diameter Peer. It can be a Device Watchdog Answer, some other Diameter Base Protocol Message, or any message from any of the Diameter Application (for example, Rx interface AAA messages).

  • After LSWU from a release that does not support Device Watchdog Timer, the parameter value is 30000.
  • After LSWU from a release that supports Device Watchdog Timer, the parameter value is retained.

Device Watchdog Timer Answer Timeout

The SBC considers a peer down, if a Device Watchdog Request is not replied by a Device Watchdog Answer before the  Device Watchdog Timer Answer Timeout timer expires. Device Watchdog Timer Answer Timeout is started once a Device Watchdog Request is sent.

After LSWU from a release that does not support Device Watchdog Timer Answer Timeout, the parameter value is 90000.

Message Flows

Device Watch Dog Timer-Current Behavior

Device Watch Dog Timer-Default Behavior on a Fresh Install

Device Watch Dog Timer-LSWU Behavior

For configuration, refer to:

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