In this section:

New CLI in 10.0.0R0


Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

SBX-69037 - TLS Support for MSRP

This feature adds two new CLI parameters: an option to specify a hash type in TLS profiles, and an option within a PSP to assign a TLS profile for non-RTP streams.

Command Syntax

Hash Type in TLS Profiles
% set profiles security tlsProfile <TLS profile name> hashType <md5 | sha1 | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512>
PSP Option Assigning a TLS Profile for Non-RTP Streams
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <PSP name> nonRtpStream nonRtpTlsProfileName <TLS profile name>

Command Parameters

Hash Type in TLS Profiles

  • Md5
  • Sha1 
  • Sha224
  • Sha256
  • Sha384
  • Sha512

Select the type of TLS hash function allowed for TLS sessions governed by the specified TLS profile. 

For more information, refer to TLS Profile - CLI.

PSP Option Assigning a TLS Profile for Non-RTP Streams


23 characters


Specify the name of a TLS profile to apply to non-RTP streams, including MSRP and Application TLS sessions.

For more information, refer to Packet Service Profile - CLI.

SBX-91868 - Global and Zone Crankback Profiles

The SBC CLI adds configuration options to assign crankback profiles at the zone and global level. An option to assign crankback profiles to trunk groups already exists, but its default setting is changed. The crankback profile object itself is unchanged. 

Command Syntax

The CLI syntax for assigning the global crankback profile is shown below. By default, the global option is assigned the "default" crankback profile. 

Global Crankback Profile Option
% set global signaling crankBackProfile <profile name>

The CLI syntax for assigning the zone crankback profile is shown below. By default, the zone option is empty (" ") and, if not specifically configured, zones inherit the global-level profile.

Zone Crankback Profile Option
% set addressContext <address context> zone <zone> crankBackProfile <profile name>

The CLI syntax for assigning the trunk group crankback profile is shown below. By default, the trunk group option is empty (" ") and, if not specifically configured, trunk groups inherit the profile from their zone, or from the global level if the zone is not configured with a specific profile.

SIP Trunk Group Crankback Profile Option
% set addressContext <address context> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> callRouting crankBackProfile <profile name>

Command Parameters

(global) crankBackProfile <profile name>

23 characters


Use this option to specify the crankback profile to apply at the global level. By default the "default" profile is assigned, but a different crankback profile can be specified. The contents of the "default" profile can be edited. 

(zone) crankBackProfile <profile name>23 characters" " (empty string)Use this option to specify the crankback profile to apply at the zone level. No profile is assigned by default. If no profile is specified, the zone inherits the crankback profile assigned at the global level. 
(trunk group)  crankBackProfile <profile name>23 characters" " (empty string)Use this option to specify the crankback profile to apply at the SIP trunk group level. No profile is assigned by default. If no profile is specified, the trunk group inherits the crankback profile assigned at the zone level or from the global level if the zone is not configured with a specific profile.

For more information, refer to Crankback Profile - CLI

SBX-103607 - SSRC Randomization for SRTP Calls

The synchronization source (SSRC) identifier uniquely identifies media streams within an RTP session when establishing or modifying media sessions. In its standard processing, the SBC generates an SSRC when it transcodes a media stream and relays the SSRCs in pass-through calls. To provide flexibility in managing SSRC values in SRTP media flows, the SBC provides a configuration option (ssrcRandomizeForSrtp) to direct the SBC to generate and replace (randomize) the SSRC in both pass-through and transcoded SRTP media flows. 

The option for randomizing the SSRC for SRTP occurs as a flag within the Packet Service Profile (PSP). Through the PSP you assign to the ingress and egress trunk group for a call, you can control whether to enable the option on the ingress leg, egress leg, or both legs of a call flow. 

Note that the existing PSP flag ssrcRandomize applies only to controlling whether to generate a new SSRC when a mid-call modification occurs in a transcoded session, and not to pass-through calls.

Command Syntax

This feature adds one new flag parameter to the Packet Service profile.

% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile name> flags
      ssrcRandomizeForSrtp <disable | enable>

Command Parameters




Enable this flag to determine how the SBC handles SSRCs in SRTP media flows. When enabled, the SBC:

  • generates and replaces the SSRC for both pass-through and transcoded SRTP media flows
  • generates a new SSRC value when a mid-call modification occurs (such as hold/resume)
  • replaces the CNAME in the SRTCP SDES block
  • replaces the SSRC in the SRTCP report blocks

 When disabled, the SBC relays the SSRC for pass-through media flows it receives from the peer.

For more information, refer to Packet Service Profile - CLI.

SBX-103464 - The DfGroupName is Different from the Realm Name

The field dfGroupName is added to sonusLi.yang under addressContext/intercept/callDataChannel/mediationServer/signalingAssociating the DF Group name is supported only for PacketCable 2.0 for the I-SBC nodes with interception type set as Signaling.

The field dfGroupName supports a string size of up to 63 characters and responsible to maintain the mapping between the dfGroupName and the realmName that is used for routing X2 traffic on the SBC.

Command Syntax

set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling <DF Group Name>

Command Parameters




The name of the DF Group configured against the Intercept Targets for which this Mediation server is to be used for interception.


SBX-95456 - Unable to Add Root Certificate of Domain Controller to the SBC Through EMA

This feature adds the Domain Controller root certificate to the SBC through the EMA. The new EMA interface imports the DC root certificate and stores the certificate content in the CDB/DB. 

In the earlier versions, the user needs to install and apply the Domain Controller root certificate manually. Also, the AD root certificate was not persistent during the SBX upgrade.

Command Syntax

To configure ldapTlsProfile
set profiles security ldapTlsProfile <Profile Name> ldapCaCerts  <PkiRootCertificateFile Name>
To delete Ad Root certificate
delete profiles security ldapTlsProfile defaultLdapTlsProfile ldapCaCerts <Certificate Name>

Command Parameters




The name of LDAP-TLS profile

ldapCaCertsN/AN/AThe name of CA certificate referred by LDAP-TLS profileM

SBX-98550 - SBC SWe Alarm Status: Include localTimeStamp and localInitialTimeStamp

Two fields localTimeStamp and localInitialTimeStamp are added to the parameter currentStatus to display the time in the local time zone.

The field localTimeStamp is added to the parameter historyStatus to display the time in the local time zone. 

Command Syntax

Show Status Alarms - Current Status
Local Time Stamp and Local Initial Time Stamp in Current Status
% show status alarms currentStatus <alarm Id> <localTimeStamp | localInitialTimeStamp>
Show Table Alarms - Current Status
Local Time Stamp and Local Initial Time Stamp in Current Status
% show table alarms currentStatus <alarm Id> <localTimeStamp | localInitialTimeStamp>
Show Status Alarms - History Status
Local Time Stamp in History Status
% show status alarms historyStatus <alarm Id> <localTimeStamp>
Show Table Alarms - History Status
Local Time Stamp in History Status
% show table alarms historyStatus <alarm Id> <localTimeStamp>

Command Parameters

Local Time Stamp and Local Initial Time Stamp

currentStatus localTimeStampThe last time the alarm was raised in local timezone format.
localInitialTimeStampThe first time the alarm was raised in local timezone format.
historyStatuslocalTimeStampThe last time the alarm was raised in local timezone format.

For more information, refer to Show Table Alarms and Show Status Alarms.

SBX-103845 - Add SUBSCRIBE Transaction Failure Counter

In earlier versions of the SBC, the statistics sipSubCountStatistics contained counters for sipSubCountAttempts, sipSubCountCumCompletions, and sipSubCountStable. This feature adds an additional counter sipSubCountFailures to report the SIP subscription failure counts.

Command Syntax

Show Table Address Context <addressContext_name> SIP Sub Count Statistics
SIP Sub Count Failures counter for SIP Sub Count Statistics
> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipSubCountStatistics <sipSubCountFailures>
Show Status Address Context <addressContext_name> SIP Sub Count Statistics
SIP Sub Count Failures counter for SIP Sub Count Statistics
> show status addressContext <addressContext_name> sipSubCountStatistics <sipSubCountFailures>

Command Parameters

SIP Sub Count Failures Counter for SIP Sub Count Statistics

sipSubCountStatistics sipSubCountFailuresReports the SIP subscription failure counts.

For more information, refer to Show Table Address Context - SIP Subscription Status and Show Status Address Context - SIP Subscription Status.