Resources | system | h248Statistics | vmgGeneralStats


Displays generic statistics of the Virtual Media Gateway.

Exists on Condition /system/deploymentType != 'microservices'

Operational Data

vmgName The name of this Virtual Media Gateway.
txnsReqRcvdFromMgc No. of Transaction Requests received from MGC.
txnRspSentToMgc No. of Transaction Responses sent to MGC.
txnReqSentToMgc No. of Transaction Requests sent to MGC.
txnRspRcvdFromMgc No. of Transaction Responses received from MGC.
errorsDetected Total no. of errors detected.
transportLossesDetected Total no. of transport losses detected.
addRequests Total no. of ADD requests received.
addResponses Total no. of ADD responses sent.
auditValueRequests Total no. of AUDIT VALUE requests received.
auditValueResponses Total no. of AUDIT VALUE responses sent.
modifyRequests Total no. of MODIFY requests received.
modifyResponses Total no. of MODIFY responses sent.
subtractRequests Total no. of SUBTRACT requests received.
subtractResponses Total no. of SUBTRACT responses sent.
notifyRequests Total no. of NOTIFY requests sent.
notifyResponses Total no. of NOTIFY responses received.
serviceChangeRequests Total no. of SERVICECHANGE requests sent/received.
serviceChangeResponses Total no. of SERVICECHANGE responses sent/received.
inactivityNotifyRequests No. of NOTIFY requests sent with inactivity event(it/ito).
inactivityNotifyResponses No. of NOTIFY responses received with inactivity event(it/ito).
succRestartServiceChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=restart) requests sent.
succDiscServChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=disconnect) requests sent.
succGracefulServiceChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=graceful) requests sent.
succForcedServiceChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=force) requests sent.
succHandoffServiceChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=handoff) requests sent.
succFailoverServiceChangeRequests Total no. of successful SERVICECHANGE (cause=failover) requests sent.
unsuccRestartServiceChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=restart) requests sent.
unsuccDiscServChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=disconnect) requests sent.
unsuccGracefulServiceChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=graceful) requests sent.
unsuccForcedServiceChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=force) requests sent.
unsuccHandoffServiceChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=handoff) requests sent.
unsuccFailoverServiceChangeRequests Total no. of unsuccessful SERVICECHANGE (cause=failover) requests sent.
unsuccAddNoTerminateResponses Total no. of unsuccessful ADD/MODIFY (cause=NoterminationAvailable) replies sent.
unsuccAddNoContextResponses Total no. of unsuccessful ADD (cause=NoContextAvailable) replies sent.
unsuccInsuffResourcesResponses Total no. of unsuccessful ADD/MODIFY (cause=InsufficientResources) replies sent.
unsuccSendToneFailResponses Total no. of unsuccessful ADD/MODIFY (cause=ToneFailure) replies sent.
retransmittedMessages Total no. of retransmitted messages.
pendingMessages Total no. of transaction pending messages sent.
numberOfTerminationsNoRtpReceived The number of terminations where no RTP was received.
numberOfTerminationsNoRtpReceivedFor5sec The number of terminations where RTP was being received, then RTP stopped for 5 seconds.
numberOfTerminationsRtpPacketLoss10percent Number of terminations where packet loss in the incoming RTP stream exceeded 10%.
numberOfTerminationsRtpPacketLoss2percent Number of terminations where packet loss in the incoming RTP stream exceeded 2%.
percentageOfTerminationsNoRTPreceived Percentage of terminations where no RTP was received.
totalRtpTerminations Total number of terminations on the VMG.
rtpCountDiscrepancy RTP Count Discrepancy between NP and DSP.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusSystem:system/sonusVirtualMediaGateway:h248Statistics/vmgGeneralStats={vmgName}

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