Resources | node | system | serverStatus


The system server status table describes the status of the server module.

Exists on Condition /system/isOAM ='true'

Operational Data

name Identifies the server.
hwType Identifies the type of server module the indexed slot has been configured to accept. Server modules other than this type are rejected by the System Manager.
serialNum Identifies the serial number of the server module. This is the serial number assigned to the server module at manufacture.
partNum Identifies the part number of the module. This is the part number assigned to the module at manufacture.
platformVersion Indicates the platform version currently running on server.
applicationVersion Indicates the application version currently running on server.
mgmtRedundancyRole Indicates the redundancy role of the server (for management entities)
upTime Indicates the server module uptime in days/hours/minutes/sec.
applicationUpTime Indicates the application uptime on the server in days/hours/minutes/sec.
lastRestartReason Indicates the reason for last restart of the server.
syncStatus Indicates the inter-CE data synchronization state.
daughterBoardPresent Indicates if the daughter board exists.
currentTime Indicates the current system time.
pktPortSpeed Packet port speed setting.
actualCeName Identifies the given/actual server.
hwSubType Identifies the type of server module the indexed slot has been configured to accept. Server modules other than this type are rejected by the System Manager.
fingerprint The licensing fingerprint for the node

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListSystem:system/serverStatus={name}

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