Resources | node | system | mgmtIpInterfaceGroup | mgmtIpInterfaceStatus


The status of the IP interfaces in the IP interface group.

Exists on Condition (/system/isOAM ='true') and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/deploymentType != 'microservices' or (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/deploymentType = 'microservices' and /NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/cnfPodType = 'oam'))

Operational Data

name The name of the IP interface.
operStatus The actual status of the management interface. A link will be InService if the sonusNrsMgmtIfAdminStatus is enabled and the physical link is up. It will be OutOfService if the admin status is enabled but the physical link is down. It will be OutOfServiceDisabled if the physical link is up but the admin status is disabled. It will be OutOfServiceLinkDown if the physical link is down and the admin status is disabled.
ifindex The interface index of the MGMT LIF. This is auto assigned on LIF creation.
rxPackets Number of packets received on this MGMT LIF.
txPackets Number of packets sent on this MGMT LIF.
localIpType Type of IP static, learned, learnedDhcp, learnedVirtual
fixedIpV4 Primary IPv4 address
fixedIpPrefixV4 The IPV4 subnet prefix of this Interface.
fixedIpV6 Primary IPv6 address
fixedIpPrefixV6 The IPV6 subnet prefix of this Interface.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListSystem:system/sonusNodeListMgmtIpInterface:mgmtIpInterfaceGroup={name}/mgmtIpInterfaceStatus={name}

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