Resources | node | system | dspRes | dspUsageCurrentStatistics


Displays the DSP resource Current table details.

Exists on Condition (/system/isOAM ='true') and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/isOAM !='true' and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/deploymentType != 'microservices' or (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/deploymentType = 'microservices' and /NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/cnfPodType = 'sc')))

Operational Data

systemName Name of the system.
G729PeakUsedCount The current Peak usage of type G729 DSP PAD.
G729AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G729 DSP PAD.
G729AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G729 DSP PAD.
G726PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G726 DSP PAD.
G726AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G726 DSP PAD.
G726AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G726 DSP PAD.
G711PacketPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G711Packet DSP PAD.
G711PacketAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G711Packet DSP PAD.
G711PacketAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G711Packet DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G711SSPacket DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G711SSPacket DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G711SSPacket DSP PAD.
G723PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G723 DSP PAD.
G723AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G723 DSP PAD.
G723AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G723 DSP PAD.
ilbcPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type ILBC DSP PAD.
ilbcAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type ILBC DSP PAD.
ilbcAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type ILBC DSP PAD.
evrcb0PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type EVRCB0 DSP PAD.
evrcb0AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type EVRCB0 DSP PAD.
evrcb0AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type EVRCB0 DSP PAD.
amrPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
amrAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
amrAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
amrWithT140PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type AMR with T.140 DSP PAD.
amrWithT140AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type AMR with T.140 DSP PAD.
amrWithT140AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type AMR with T.140 DSP PAD.
amrwbPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type Amrwb DSP PAD.
amrwbAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type Amrwb DSP PAD.
amrwbAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type Amrwb DSP PAD.
amrwbWithT140PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type AMRWB with T.140 DSP PAD.
amrwbWithT140AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type AMRWB with T.140 DSP PAD.
amrwbWithT140AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type AMRWB with T.140 DSP PAD.
G722PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G722 DSP PAD.
G722AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G722 DSP PAD.
G722AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G722 DSP PAD.
TonePeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type TONE DSP PAD.
ToneAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type TONE DSP PAD.
ToneAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type TONE DSP PAD.
evrcPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type EVRC DSP PAD.
evrcAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type EVRC DSP PAD.
evrcAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type EVRC DSP PAD.
G7221PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G722.1 DSP PAD.
G7221AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G722.1 DSP PAD.
G7221AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G722.1 DSP PAD.
efrPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type EFR DSP PAD.
efrAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type EFR DSP PAD.
efrAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type EFR DSP PAD.
G729V8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G729 V8 DSP PAD.
G729V8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G729 V8 DSP PAD.
G729V8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G729 V8 DSP PAD.
G726V8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G726 V8 DSP PAD.
G726V8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G726 V8 DSP PAD.
G726V8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G726 V8 DSP PAD.
G711PacketV8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G711Packet V8 DSP PAD.
G711PacketV8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G711Packet V8 DSP PAD.
G711PacketV8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G711Packet V8 DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketV8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G711SSPacket V8 DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketV8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G711SSPacket V8 DSP PAD.
G711SSPacketV8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G711SSPacket V8 DSP PAD.
G723V8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G723 V8 DSP PAD.
G723V8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G723 V8 DSP PAD.
G723V8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G723 V8 DSP PAD.
ilbcV8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G723 V8 DSP PAD.
ilbcV8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type iLBC V8 DSP PAD.
ilbcV8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type iLBC V8 DSP PAD.
G722V8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G722 V8 DSP PAD.
G722V8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G722 V8 DSP PAD.
G722V8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G722 V8 DSP PAD.
G7221V8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type G722.1 V8 DSP PAD.
G7221V8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type G722.1 V8 DSP PAD.
G7221V8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type G722.1 V8 DSP PAD.
opusPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type OPUS DSP PAD.
opusAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type OPUS DSP PAD.
opusAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type OPUS DSP PAD.
evsPeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type EVS DSP PAD.
evsAverageUsedCount The current average usage of type EVS DSP PAD.
evsAverageAvailCount The current average availability of type EVS DSP PAD.
evsWithT140PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type EVS with T.140 DSP PAD.
evsWithT140AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type EVS with T.140 DSP PAD.
evsWithT140AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type EVS with T.140 DSP PAD.
silk8PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type SILK_8 DSP PAD.
silk8AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type SILK_8 DSP PAD.
silk8AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type SILK_8 DSP PAD.
silk16PeakUsedCount The current peak usage of type SILK_16 DSP PAD.
silk16AverageUsedCount The current average usage of type SILK_16 DSP PAD.
silk16AverageAvailCount The current average availability of type SILK_16 DSP PAD.
amrPeakUsageCount The current peak usage of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
amrAverageUsageCount The current average usage of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
amrAverageAvailableCount The current average availability of type AMRNB DSP PAD.
G711WithOutXcodeResPeakCount The peak number (during the interval time) of G.711 legs(terminations) that did not require a DSP resource. The processing for the G.711 leg is done by the DSP resource allocated for the other leg in the call.
G711WithOutXcodeResAverageCount The average number (during the interval time) of G.711 legs(terminations) that did not require a DSP resource. The processing for the G.711 leg is done by the DSP resource allocated for the other leg in the call.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListSystem:system/sonusNodeListDspUsagePerformanceStats:dspRes/dspUsageCurrentStatistics={systemName}

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