Resources | node | system | admin


Basic configuration (name, location, etc) for the system.

Exists on Condition /system/isOAM ='true'


vnfrO This enables/disables the VNFR REST interface for the upgrade APIs.
linkDetectionO System wide settings associated with link detection.
passwordRulesO The rules implementing Conf-D user password policy.
passwordRulesForAdminO The rules implementing user password policy for Administrator users.
passwordDictionaryOPassword management dictionary related configuration
accountManagementOAccount and password management related configuration
gratuitousArpO System wide settings associated with gratuitousArp .
intrusionDetectionO Configuration for intrusion detection system (AIDE).
bannerO Configuration parameters for displaying a Banner.
fips-140-2O FIPS-140-2 related configuration and commands.
emaOEMA modules enable/disable related configurations.
kernelParamsO Modifying kernel parameters for SBC.
ctrlAltDeleteO Configure Ctrl + Alt + Delete functionality.
licenseO System-level License configuration.

Operational Data

name Name of the system.
actualSystemName System Name given by user as user/metadata
haMode Management mode of the system (haMode1to1 or haModeNto1)
clusterId clusterID instance given in userdata
sftpUserPassword Save the sftp password for the user.
savedConfigurationsLists saved configurations available on OAM


Operation NameDescription
reKeyConfdEncryptionKeys Re-key confd DES and AES encryption keys.
zeroizePersistenKeys Zeroize persistently stored keys.
reGenerateSshKeys Re-key RSA and ECDSA ssh public/private keys.
restart Restart System (all the CEs)
softReset Restart application on the system without rebooting the server(s).
switchover Switchover the management applications and restart application on current active server.
saveConfig Save the current configuration.
loadConfig Load saved configuration and restart the system without rebooting the server(s).
removeSavedConfig Removes a previously saved configuration from the server.
adManualSync Sync with AD Server to fetch subscriber data.
searchAdData Searches the AD database.
verifyDatabaseIntegrity Verifies config policy databases integrity.
saveConfigStoreFile Save the current configuration to an external cloud object store service.
setConfigStoreParameters Set the parameters used to access an external cloud object store service.
resetSoftwareUpgradeState Resets software upgrade state and cleans up staging directory, previous versions, etc.
setHaConfig Set the HA port redundancy configuration.
reenableOsAccountRe-enable OS Account
removeInstanceFromGroup Removes the specified instance from Redundancy Group.
saveAndActivateSave and Activate the Configuration

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListSystem:system/admin={name}

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