Resources | node | addressContext | zone | trunkGroupQoeStatus


QOE Status for IP trunk groups in this zone.

Exists on Condition (/system/isOAM ='true') and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/sbcPersonality/role !='slb')

Operational Data

name The name of this IP trunk group.
inboundRFactor Average RFactor for the inbound streams.
inboundRFactorFromSBXBOOT Average RFactor for the inbound streams from system startup.
inboundRFactorNumCriticalThresholdBreached Number of times the Critical thresold was breached (inbound RTP streams).
inboundRFactorNumMajorThresholdBreached Number of times the Major thresold was breached (inbound RTP streams).
outboundRFactor Average RFactor for the outbound streams.
outboundRFactorFromSBXBOOT Average RFactor for the outbound streams from system startup.
outboundRFactorNumCriticalThresholdBreached Number of times the Critical thresold was breached (outbound RTP streams).
outboundRFactorNumMajorThresholdBreached Number of times the Major thresold was breached (outbound RTP streams).
currentASR Average ASR for the TG.
asrFromSBXBOOT Average ASR for the TG from system boot.
asrCriticalThresholdExceeded Number of times the ASR Critical thresold was breached.
asrMajorThresholdExceeded Number of times the ASR Major thresold was breached.
egressSustainedCallRate Sustainded call rate for TG.
egressActiveCalls Number of active call on TG.
currentPgrd Avg post gateway ringing delay value of TG.
qosDropCount Number of times route is dropped due to KPI thresold breach.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusNodeListZone:zone={name}/sonusNodeListSipTrunkGroup:trunkGroupQoeStatus={name}

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