Resources | node | addressContext | zone | cnfSipOcsCallIntervalStatistics


The SIP OCS call interval SIP statistics for CNF.

Exists on Condition (/system/isOAM ='true') and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/isOAM !='true' and /NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/deploymentType = 'microservices' and (/NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/cnfPodType = 'sc' or /NODE_LIST:node[NODE_LIST:nodeName=current()/../../NODE_LIST:nodeName]/system/cnfPodType = 'cs'))

Operational Data

number A sequence number which identifies the interval for which the set of statistics is required. The interval N identifies the recently completed interval, Interval N is identifed by the last sequence value and N-( number of intervals) is the earlest completed interval.
cnfPodName This object indicates the PodName.
name The name of this SIP trunk group.
intervalValid The member indicating the validity of the interval.
time The system up time when the interval statisitic is collected.
attemptedCalls Current Attempted ocs Call statistics.
relayedCalls Current Realyed ocs Invite to Engress side statistics.
establishedCalls Current Established ocs Call statistics.
successfulCalls Current Successful ocs Call statistics.
failedCalls Current Failed ocs Call statistics.
pendingCalls Current Pending ocs Call statistics.
rejectedCalls Current SBX Rejected ocs Call statistics.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusNodeListZone:zone={name}/sonusNodeListSipPeerPerformanceStats:cnfSipOcsCallIntervalStatistics={number},{cnfPodName},{name}

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