Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (REST) API is a simple, stateless architecture style ( not a protocol) that uses the HTTP/HTTPS method ( such as GET, PUT,POST, DELETE) to retrieve the management information from the database. The main advantage is that it has a simple interfaces and can be can be modified even when the application is running.
REST has the following properties:
Client-Server model: In a client-server model, clients are associated with the user interface, and the servers manage data storage behind the interface. This allows a separation between the client and server.
The Ribbon RESTCONF API RESTCONF APIs provide access to resources via URI paths. To use a RESTCONF API, your application makes HTTPs requests and parses the responses. Currently, the only supported response format is XML. The methods used by developers are standard HTTP methods such as; GET, PUT, POST, PATCH and DELETE.
Functionality enhancement
RESTCONF APIs are included beginning with SBC release xx.xx