Resources | system | sweVcpuAllocation


This table shows the populated Vcpu allocation in the System for different profiles.

Exists on Condition /system/serverAdmin/hwType='ConnexIP5000'

Operational Data

name Name of the profile.
numofCpus Number of VCpus in the System.
mgmtCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Management core.
mgmtCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Management core.
distributorCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Distributor core.
distributorCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Distributor core.
dosCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the DoS core.
dosCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the DoS core.
sigCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Signaling core.
sigCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Signaling core.
mediaCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Media core.
mediaCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Media core.
cryptoCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Crypto core.
cryptoCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Crypto core.
transcodeCoreStart Starting Vcpu number of the Transcode core.
transcodeCoreEnd Last Vcpu number of the Transcode core.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/operational/system/sweVcpuAllocation

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