| Parameter | Description |
 | badEtherIpHdrOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer offenders list.
 | arpOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the ARP policer offenders list.
 | uFlowOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the micro flow policer offenders list.
 | aclOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the access control list policer offenders list.
 | aggregateOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the aggregate policer offenders list.
 | ipSecDecryptOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the IPSEC Decrypt policer offenders list.
 | rogueMediaOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the rogue media policer offenders list.
 | mediaOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the media policer offenders list.
 | discardRuleOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the discard rule offenders list.
 | systemCurStats |
The Sonus System Policer Current table.
 | systemIntStats |
The Sonus System Policer Interval table.
 | uFlowStats |
The table of micro flow statistics.
 | rogueMediaIntStats |
The table of statistics for the rogue media policer offenders list.
 | mediaOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the media policer offenders list.
 | ipSecDecryptOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the IPSEC Decrypt policer offenders list.
 | badEtherIpHdrOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the bad Ethernet/IP Header policer offenders list.
 | arpOffendersListIntStats |
The table of statistics for the ARP policer offenders list.
 | uFlowOffendersListIntStats |
The table of statistics for the micro flow policer offenders list.
 | aclOffendersListIntStats |
The table of statistics for the access control list policer offenders list.
 | aggregateOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the aggregate policer offenders list.
 | discardRuleOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the discard rule offenders list.
 | srtpDecryptOffendersList |
The table of statistics for the SRTP decrypt offenders list.
 | srtpDecryptOffendersIntStats |
The table of statistics for the SRTP Decrypt offenders list.